ни произведений,
ни языка,
ни речи,
ни рассудка,
At discontinuities stem speech nesvorachivaemaya as ill blood: breath-y-waste. And neither works nor language nor speech, nor mind, nothing. But the absence, a sense, open toes, undergo this despot of ecstasy: ek-stasis :
also glossed
"confused, entangled"
"Là où ça sent la merde ça sent l'être."
semiflexure clotter menseless meaning ought oofy not wisdomproof viperlike, do unbox and loop hypersecretion.
"I knowe no better phisick then to piss cleare, that so a man may bid a figg for the phisition"
Write to you, you are now a perfect Unknown
passkey of hammerweld thrumble superinscribed & unfearingly doctorless above dumpage but must doggerelize unwayward doing autointoxicant will Englishable any pulverized crux.
splitbrains the immediate actuality thus an exactingness and an oblivion Baudelairiana.
You may use native X font
(ahhoz, hogy a térképeket fogadja a ketyere)
it would be absurd for me a poem.
(decoded synallagmatic)
"Хотя это всего лишь разные
крайности одного дерьма."
spur gyrowheel wordwrought
bloomeries nonequal blowpipe:
cerebralgia fretfulnesses.
ribsticking airfoil you said so
autochrome glazing cradle scythe
forge the fall unforeseenly,
continue poem:
choking bubbles
washed up plethora oyster
& crawling more than flesh
nobody finds also looking for
no chance absolutely, almost.
another wreck
get so vzvoesh
stun external a noise
eat them keep quiet
audible as always
in hard bondage
wiping saliva
So those who are tired of living with a bunch of cockroaches in my head, eager clearance on erasures razor brought brutal in interpretation.
I do not know when I'll download it - that insects have already 2 o'clock swing - and only 20 meters.
I hope you are today, then tomorrow everything is not going to remove?
Hey, man, you see, not really, but that window rasshibesh - Frozen spoke.
Would be desirable that past is not pulled back, running on machine, the usual reaction, and not feel sick filtered perception of realreality.
If almost every page you can find the expression: fucking brains, shit, HZ, raskolbas, fuck.
Full-fledged communication between people is mostly of impossible.
Sorry if that.
most scatomancy
Abbrev. (An abbreviation for the word "abbreviation")
A `brabe LICADHO` `braberda` (abracadabra of rubbish)
Allez! Terra `Immunized (create a circus alliteration)
(воспитывать анапестом) Anapa `stovat (bring anapaest)
Агрофе`ня (язык земли) Agrofe `nya Language (land)
Logos `ndiya (linguistic homeland, a country bare verbs)
Gologrammati `cal Temptations (hologram temptations of the naked grammar, Devil brain)
Gorelefote `QSC (words, fossilized in high relief, in volume nabraylenny text understandable to the blind)
; напр., Словарь Г. Марка) Gross `tory (large glossary, a glossary of obscure words, for example., Dictionary of Public Taste.)
речь) Grammofo `b (a person who hates the formal speech)
Verba `slime (verbal mass resulting from spasmodic ejection of the contents of the soul)
Leah Versifeka `(rhymed feces)
Vzglyadore `ICA (scissors to cut views)
В Vzlu `chit (break-beam, for example., Sun vzluchilo sleepy eyelids)
(пение вещей) Veschepe `nieu (singing things)
визгом) Vizgoho `d (steamer hung screaming)
"I remember all your cracks."
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