helve-hammer helpmate

A rooster one day and a feather duster the next
In English language, euphemism is widely used in the daily communications. In order to achieve the aim of “taboo”, it is used to avoid the unpleasant thing; in order to achieve the aim of “politeness”, it is used to avoid the inelegant things, which are the two social psychological basis of the emergence of euphemism. Euphemism is one of the important parts of figure of speech. It is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a kind of social phenomenon and cultural phenomenon.
Euphemism in use differs from person to person, from profession to profession, even from class to class , That’s why sometimes the meaning of some euphemisms will puzzle you if you do not know the background of English culture. To grasp the English euphemism can not only help us openkind of social phenomenon and cultural phenomenon. Euphemism in use differs from person to person, from profession to profession, even from class to class , That's why sometimes the meaning of some euphemisms will puzzle you if you do not know the background of English culture. To grasp the English euphemism can not only help us open our eyes, but strengthen our ability of reading comprehension. This paper aims to discuss the application of euphemism in English and to make acknowledge of its social influence, which could help us use euphemism in a correct way. our eyes, but strengthen our ability of reading comprehension. This paper aims to discuss the application of euphemism in English and to make acknowledge of its social influence, which could help us use euphemism in a correct way. In English language, euphemism is widely used in the daily communications. In order to achieve the aim of "taboo", it is used to avoid the unpleasant thing; in order to achieve the aim of "politeness", it is used to avoid the inelegant things , which are the two social psychological basis of the emergence of euphemism. Euphemism is one of the important parts of figure of speech. It is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a yakka sortstick, er stormstick meant something like (an umbrella).
To use characteristics to take the place of objects.
For example," hellow " is a greeting word, and it is also a euphemism for " prostitute " because prostitutes often use this word to solicit the whoremasters; "blood and iron" is a euphemism for "violence".

Sack up zeds & away with the pixies,
To use raw materials to take the place of finished products.
For instance, "poppy "Is a kind of flower, but it also refers to" opium ".

To use proper words to replace the objects. For example, "napoleon" is a French golden coin on which there is Napoleon 'S head portrait. "Borstal" is a name of countryside in Kent in Britain. It can also refer to "juvenile delinquency".
trough lolly = Duchampian reminder, remember 1917?
Sometimes, some euphemisms are frequently used instead of the original words; people gradually forget their euphemistic identities. They are not used in terms of euphemisms but have their own independent meanings. For instance, take above-mentioned “poppy”, now if you look up this word in the dictionary, you can find the meaning of “opium”, it has lost its euphemistic function. And, if you do not know the background, you can not know the meaning of “Napoleon” and “Borstal”. Therefore, we can see the importance of knowing the background of English culture. It can help you a lot to recognize and understand the real meaning of euphemism and make good use of it. Sometimes, some euphemisms are frequently used instead of the original words; people gradually forget their euphemistic identities. They are not used in terms of euphemisms but have their own independent meanings. For instance, take above-mentioned "poppy", now if you look up this word in the dictionary, you can find the meaning of "opium", it has lost its euphemistic function. And, if you do not know the background, you can not know the meaning of "Napoleon" and "Borstal". Therefore , We can see the importance of knowing the background of English culture. It can help you a lot to recognize and understand the real meaning of euphemism and make good use of it.
Big mobs of berko said : "Umpziggen tardafit!" their names all asunder -- People's names are often used to replace taboo words. For example, "Big Harry" refers to "heroin" because "Harry" and "heroin" have the same initials. "Lavatory" also has many euphemistical expressions. In 19th century, it was called "my aunt Jones", "Mrs. Jones", "Sir John", "Sir Harry", "the Henry", while in 20th century, it was called "jakes", "john" etc. But the latter color of personification becomes weak. The first letter can be written in small letter. People just use it as a common noun. In fact, they have lost the euphemistic function.

There are many humorous ways to express catamenia in terms of personification:
1) My friend has come.
2) I have a visitor.
3) My country cousins have come.
4) My auntie has come to stay.
5) Little sister is here.
6) I've got painters in.
7 ) The cardinal has come.
( maxi ( stayfree ) mini )
: : :
English is an alphabetic writing. The variation of phonetic form can avoid the original conception in a certain degree and achieve the purpose of euphemism. 1) Compounding: gezunda (goes under). 2) Acronym: DA (drug addict), KG (know gambler), BOT (balance of time), JD (juvenile delinquent), P and Q (peace and quiet). 3) Back-formation: burgle (burgler) 4) chipping: vamp (vampire), homo (homosexual), gents (Gentlemen's Room), and ladies (Ladies Room).
Damp squib = someone who does not think too well, a bit of a dub
(squib is a small firecracker, a damp squib is one that doesn't go off)
. . .
Compound:That is to choose some sweet-sounding occupational names to make up compound or compound phrases. For example, today we can find many occupations in America and Britain named with "engineer":

sanitary (or sanitation) engineer; building (custodian, dwelling) engineer; automobile engineer; dry cleaning engineer, pipe engineer; heating engineer; packing engineer; sales engineer; housewife = domestic engineer; the person who is in charge of killing mice and cockroaches = exterminating (extermination) engineer.
There are some other common titles:
automotive repairman = automotive internist;
garden worker = landscape architect;
prison guard = correctional officer;
pest-killer = pest control operator;
butcher = meat technologist.
Some humble occupations have many euphemistic names at the same time. For example, people often call "hair stylist" "tonsorial artist", while people call "female hairdresser" "woman surgeon"; "undertaker" also has many expressions: bereavement counselor, grief therapist, funeral director, funeral service practitioner. Besides "engineer "Housewife also can be called" household executive "," homemaker ", even" domestic manager ";" Prostitute "also has many euphemisms, such as pavement princess, working girl, streetwalker, call girl, business girl etc...

Derivation:That is to choose some Latin and Greek prefixes whose meanings refer to "a person", such as "- (o) logist".

"Mixologist" is a euphemism for "a bar's waiter"; dustman for garbologist; female hairdresser for cosmetologist; undertaker for mortician; cobbler for shoetrician; locksmith for locktician. Some special occupational names have adopted two prefixes. For example cosmetologist and cosmetician both refer to "female hairdresser". Moreover, Latin prefix "-arian" is originally used in religion, but now it is also used in the occupation, such as: bartarian, sanitarian. Another Latin prefix "-ian" is also used popularly, such as custodian (entrance guard or dustman).
Yerron yerrone = you are on your own
Some people even want to change the native prefix "-er" to the Latin prefix "-or" because they think the foreign prefix is more elegant and sweet-sounding, such as weldor, wild animal trainor.

The topic of poverty and unemployment might cause some embarrassment, so people often use euphemism when their talks concern such things.
For example, “dismissal” is often called “lay off, ease out, get the walking ticket/pink slip”; “bankruptcy” is called “out of the game”; “penniless” is called “out of pocket, in reduced circumstances, badly off, needy etc.”; “the poor people” is called “the have-nots, the underprivileged, the disadvantaged”; even their houses also have a sweet-sounding name-“substandard housing”.

The euphemism for unemployment has many expressions. Most of them are humorous, such as “between jobs”, “between shows”, “to be developing a new project”, “to receive a Mexican raise/ an Irish promotion” (to raise a promotion without raising the salary), “to be self-employed”. In America “unemployed men” are called “claimants”, while, in Britain, they are called “to be on public assistance”. Of course, some euphemisms are pessimistic: The British unemployed men can take 50 percent off the ticket of a film and a drama, so they also can be called “the less fortunate”.
Excerto: torpedo your property
Weblog: online diazepam prescription
spam facts fluxxed some yumyum and taste never wasted so good, yeah - the loudest noise you've never heard. ( ) paraplaced spaceless and empty as empt. inti ni gileitêst unsih. morphomythic rips in fissure. drop rock pond. paste past to now and won won't lose. back to epigraphy, no stone unsunk. my notbook knotted missing ligaments to link clinking klang on app association of killer nicknames pressing any key to all platen, frictionfeeding splitshuttle in hammeraction. first front-strike visible ten to qwerty up blindwriting. erasable alterations push thru pressure on ribbons of an inkling.
All words concerning “excretion” except tears are considered taboo words.

The euphemisms for “lavatory” have many ways of expressions, such as water closet, cloakroom, comfort station, toilet (which is popular in Britain), restroom (which is generally used in America). In America, “convenience station” is written English, while “bathroom” is oral English. “John” is slang, while “poet’s corner” is a crack joke. In Britain, they use “Jakes” instead of “John”. They use “public comfort station” instead of “public convenience station”. Men’s lavatory is called “Gent’s, the John, the washroom”; Women’s lavatory is called “Ladies’, the powder room, powder one’s nose (Br.); powder one’s puff (Am.); Mrs. Jones”. There are also many ways to express “urination” and “defecation”, such as, to go to the bathroom/ restroom/ powder room, to do one’s business, to answer nature’s call. .

There are other expressions. For instance, I have to retire for a moment. / I would like to be executed. Interrogative sentences can also be used: Where is the restroom? Where can I wash my hands? Ladies can say, “I’d like to add some makeup.” in order to avoid the awkwardness.

In English, there is another special euphemistic expression. That is to use other countries’ names instead of some harsher or more offensive words. The appearance of these euphemisms is mostly because of the historic and cultural reasons.
For instance, because French had ruled Britain, British people like to make fun of the French. They called “syphilis” “the French disease”. “French letter” is a euphemism for “condom”; “abortive pill” is called “French lunar pill”; “pornographic novels/prints” is called “French novels (prints)”. It seems that the French does all the bad things. In 17th century, the war between Britain and Dutch also led to a lot of anti-Dutch words, including euphemisms. “Prostitute” is called “Dutch widow”; “commit suicide” is called “Dutch act/cure”; “Dutch courage” is an “artificial courage”; “Dutch cheer” is a euphemism for “liquor”. It was said that the Dutch often drank some liquor to build up their courage.

Besides French and Dutch, Britain also makes fun of other countries. “Condom” has other euphemistic expressions in terms of country’s name, such as Spanish letter, American letter, and Italian letter. “Abortive pill” is also called “Portuguese female pill”; “Russian roulette” is a euphemism for “to intend to commit suicide”; “Mexican raise. Irish promotion” means “to be dismissed”; “Egyptian physical training” means “to sleep at daytime”; “Chinese” is also included in this usage, and it refers to a kind of “heroin”. “Chinese white” is a euphemism for “spirited heroin”; “Chinese red” also refers to “heroin”. In a word, the British and the American relate a lot of offensive things with other countries’ names. That is why “exotic” has the meaning of “erotic”. “Exotic club” became the “striptease night club”; “exotic dancer” became the “go-go dancer”.

Besides English, other western countries also have such euphemistic phenomena.

In fact, it is Linguistic Chauvinism.
What lies behind Ghost Starbie's thinking at this point is a strong view of the social construction of reality.Ghost Starbie firmly believes that knowledge is not objective but always socially conditioned. All that one thinks and "knows" is an interpretation that is only made possible by the social context in which one lives. For Ghost Starbie the very thoughts one thinks are made possible by presuppositions of the community in which one lives and furthermore the socially conditioned individual, which all individuals are, cannot think beyond the limits made possible by the culture. This culture is referred to by Ghost Starbie as an "interpretive community of assholes" and the strategies of an interpreter are community property, and insofar as they at once enable and limit the operations of any asshole's consciousness, it is rather a construction, or edifice that has been erected by consensus. Interpretive communities of assholes are made up of those who share interpretive strategies not for reading but for writing texts, for constituting their properties.
Why is lenguage,Ignatz?
(Language is that we mayunderstand one another.)
Is that so?
(Yes,that's so.)
Can you unda-stend a Finnor a Leplenderor a Oshkosher,huh?
Can a Finn or a Leplenderor a Oshkosherunda-stend you?
Then, I would say,lenguage is thatwe may mis-unda-stendeach udda.
- Krazy Kat daily gag for Jan. 6,1918
Euphemism appears with false appearance, and exerts a subtle influence on exposing the truth. That is to use the neutral or pleasant words to express some awkward or offensive contents. As to the English learners, we should not only pay attention to its application on appropriate occasions, but to its influences.

Its active functions can coordinate the interpersonal relationships, release the contradictions and avoid the conflicts. The negative functions are to confound right and wrong, beautify the shameful behaviors and conceal the essence.

Language itself has not the class character, but different people, political parties and countries can consider it a tool to serve for them. That is why someone named euphemisms as “comfortable words” or “cosmetic words”. In daily life, we should pay attention to the influences that the active and negative functions of euphemisms bring us, and keep the negative functions from corrupting our thoughts.
(Excerto: spinouts bumpier)
[¿Tanto te Bloggo?]
. .
If what follows is communication or understanding, it will not be because asshole and asshole share a language, in the sense of knowing the meanings of individual words and the rules for combining them, but because a way of thinking, a form of life, shares us, and implicates us in a world of already-in-place objects, purposes, goals, procedures, values, and so on; and it is to the features of that world that any words we utter will be heard as necessarily referring to that world. If what follows is communication or understanding, it will not be because asshole and asshole share a language, in the sense of knowing the meanings of individual words and the rules for combining them, but because a way of thinking, a form of life, shares us, and implicates us in a world of already-in-place objects, purposes, goals, procedures, values, and so on; and it is to the features of that world that any words we utter will be heard as necessarily referring to that world.

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helve-hammer helpmate

A rooster one day and a feather duster the next
In English language, euphemism is widely used in the daily communications. In order to achieve the aim of “taboo”, it is used to avoid the unpleasant thing; in order to achieve the aim of “politeness”, it is used to avoid the inelegant things[2], which are the two social psychological basis of the emergence of euphemism. Euphemism is one of the important parts of figure of speech. It is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a kind of social phenomenon and cultural phenomenon.
Euphemism in use differs from person to person, from profession to profession, even from class to class[3] , That’s why sometimes the meaning of some euphemisms will puzzle you if you do not know the background of English culture. To grasp the English euphemism can not only help us openkind of social phenomenon and cultural phenomenon. Euphemism in use differs from person to person, from profession to profession, even from class to class [3], That's why sometimes the meaning of some euphemisms will puzzle you if you do not know the background of English culture. To grasp the English euphemism can not only help us open our eyes, but strengthen our ability of reading comprehension. This paper aims to discuss the application of euphemism in English and to make acknowledge of its social influence, which could help us use euphemism in a correct way. our eyes, but strengthen our ability of reading comprehension. This paper aims to discuss the application of euphemism in English and to make acknowledge of its social influence, which could help us use euphemism in a correct way. In English language, euphemism is widely used in the daily communications. In order to achieve the aim of "taboo", it is used to avoid the unpleasant thing; in order to achieve the aim of "politeness", it is used to avoid the inelegant things [2], which are the two social psychological basis of the emergence of euphemism. Euphemism is one of the important parts of figure of speech. It is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a yakka sortstick, er stormstick i meant (an umbrella).
To use characteristics to take the place of objects.
For example," hellow "is a greeting word, and it is also a euphemism for" prostitute "because prostitutes often use this word to solicit the whoremasters; "blood and iron" is a euphemism for "violence".
Sack up zeds & away with the pixies,To use raw materials to take the place of finished products. For instance, "poppy "Is a kind of flower, but it also refers to" opium ".

To use proper words to replace the objects. For example, "napoleon" is a French golden coin on which there is Napoleon 'S head portrait. "Borstal" is a name of countryside in Kent in Britain. It can also refer to "juvenile delinquency".
Trough lolly = Duchampian reminder, remember 1917?
Sometimes, some euphemisms are frequently used instead of the original words; people gradually forget their euphemistic identities. They are not used in terms of euphemisms but have their own independent meanings. For instance, take above-mentioned “poppy”, now if you look up this word in the dictionary, you can find the meaning of “opium”, it has lost its euphemistic function. And, if you do not know the background, you can not know the meaning of “Napoleon” and “Borstal”. Therefore, we can see the importance of knowing the background of English culture. It can help you a lot to recognize and understand the real meaning of euphemism and make good use of it. Sometimes, some euphemisms are frequently used instead of the original words; people gradually forget their euphemistic identities. They are not used in terms of euphemisms but have their own independent meanings. For instance, take above-mentioned "poppy", now if you look up this word in the dictionary, you can find the meaning of "opium", it has lost its euphemistic function. And, if you do not know the background, you can not know the meaning of "Napoleon" and "Borstal". Therefore , We can see the importance of knowing the background of English culture. It can help you a lot to recognize and understand the real meaning of euphemism and make good use of it.
Big mobs of berko said : "Umpziggen tardafit!" their names all asunder -- People's names are often used to replace taboo words. For example, "Big Harry" refers to "heroin" because "Harry" and "heroin" have the same initials. "Lavatory" also has many euphemistical expressions. In 19th century, it was called "my aunt Jones", "Mrs. Jones", "Sir John", "Sir Harry", "the Henry", while in 20th century, it was called "jakes", "john" etc. But the latter color of personification becomes weak. The first letter can be written in small letter. People just use it as a common noun. In fact, they have lost the euphemistic function.

There are many humorous ways to express catamenia in terms of personification: 1) My friend has come. 2) I have a visitor. 3) My cousins / country cousins have come. 4) My auntie / grandmother has come to stay. 5) Little sister is here. 6) I've got painters in. 7 ) The cardinal has come.
English is an alphabetic writing. The variation of phonetic form can avoid the original conception in a certain degree and achieve the purpose of euphemism. 1) Compounding: gezunda (goes under). 2) Acronym: DA (drug addict), KG (know gambler), BOT (balance of time), JD (juvenile delinquent), P and Q (peace and quiet). 3) Back-formation: burgle (burgler) 4) chipping: vamp (vampire), homo (homosexual), gents (Gentlemen's Room), and ladies (Ladies Room).
Damp squib = someone who does not think too well, a bit of a dub (squib is a small firecracker, a damp squib is one that doesn't go off)
. . .
Compound:That is to choose some sweet-sounding occupational names to make up compound or compound phrases. For example, today we can find many occupations in America and Britain named with "engineer":
sanitary (or sanitation) engineer; building (custodian, dwelling) engineer; automobile engineer; dry cleaning engineer, pipe engineer; heating engineer; packing engineer; sales engineer; housewife = domestic engineer; the person who is in charge of killing mice and cockroaches = exterminating (extermination) engineer.
There are some other common titles: automotive repairman = automotive internist; garden worker = landscape architect; prison guard = correctional officer; pest-killer = pest control operator; butcher = meat technologist.
Some humble occupations have many euphemistic names at the same time. For example, people often call "hair stylist" "tonsorial artist", while people call "female hairdresser" "woman surgeon"; "undertaker" also has many expressions: bereavement counselor, grief therapist, funeral director, funeral service practitioner. Besides "engineer "Housewife also can be called" household executive "," homemaker ", even" domestic manager ";" Prostitute "also has many euphemisms, such as pavement princess, working girl, streetwalker, call girl, business girl etc.
Derivation:That is to choose some Latin and Greek prefixes whose meanings refer to "a person", such as "- (o) logist".

"Mixologist" is a euphemism for "a bar's waiter"; dustman for garbologist; female hairdresser for cosmetologist; undertaker for mortician; cobbler for shoetrician; locksmith for locktician. Some special occupational names have adopted two prefixes. For example cosmetologist and cosmetician both refer to "female hairdresser". Moreover, Latin prefix "-arian" is originally used in religion, but now it is also used in the occupation, such as: bartarian, sanitarian. Another Latin prefix "-ian" is also used popularly, such as custodian (entrance guard or dustman).
Yerron yerrone = you are on your own
Some people even want to change the native prefix "-er" to the Latin prefix "-or" because they think the foreign prefix is more elegant and sweet-sounding, such as weldor, wild animal trainor.

The topic of poverty and unemployment might cause some embarrassment, so people often use euphemism when their talks concern such things.
For example, “dismissal” is often called “lay off, ease out, get the walking ticket/pink slip”; “bankruptcy” is called “out of the game”; “penniless” is called “out of pocket, in reduced circumstances, badly off, needy etc.”; “the poor people” is called “the have-nots, the underprivileged, the disadvantaged”; even their houses also have a sweet-sounding name-“substandard housing”.

The euphemism for unemployment has many expressions. Most of them are humorous, such as “between jobs”, “between shows”, “to be developing a new project”, “to receive a Mexican raise/ an Irish promotion” (to raise a promotion without raising the salary), “to be self-employed”. In America “unemployed men” are called “claimants”, while, in Britain, they are called “to be on public assistance”. Of course, some euphemisms are pessimistic: The British unemployed men can take 50 percent off the ticket of a film and a drama, so they also can be called “the less fortunate”.
Excerto: torpedo yourproperty
Weblog: online diazepam prescription
spam facts fluxxed some yumyum and taste never wasted so good, yeah - the loudest noise you've never heard. ( ) paraplaced spaceless and empty as empt. inti ni gileitêst unsih. morphomythic rips in fissure. drop rock pond. paste past to now and won won't lose. back to epigraphy, no stone unsunk. my notbook knotted missing ligaments to link clinking klang on app association of killer nicknames pressing any key to all platen, frictionfeeding splitshuttle in hammeraction. first front-strike visible ten to qwerty up blindwriting. erasable alterations push thru pressure on ribbons of an inkling.
All words concerning “excretion” except tears are considered taboo words.
The euphemisms for “lavatory” have many ways of expressions, such as water closet, cloakroom, comfort station, toilet (which is popular in Britain), restroom (which is generally used in America). In America, “convenience station” is written English, while “bathroom” is oral English. “John” is slang, while “poet’s corner” is a crack joke. In Britain, they use “Jakes” instead of “John”. They use “public comfort station” instead of “public convenience station”. Men’s lavatory is called “Gent’s, the John, the washroom”; Women’s lavatory is called “Ladies’, the powder room, powder one’s nose (Br.); powder one’s puff (Am.); Mrs. Jones”. There are also many ways to express “urination” and “defecation”, such as, to go to the bathroom/ restroom/ powder room, to do one’s business, to answer nature’s call. .

There are other expressions. For instance, I have to retire for a moment. / I would like to be executed. Interrogative sentences can also be used: Where is the restroom? Where can I wash my hands? Ladies can say, “I’d like to add some makeup.” in order to avoid the awkwardness.

In English, there is another special euphemistic expression. That is to use other countries’ names instead of some harsher or more offensive words. The appearance of these euphemisms is mostly because of the historic and cultural reasons.
For instance, because French had ruled Britain, British people like to make fun of the French. They called “syphilis” “the French disease”. “French letter” is a euphemism for “condom”; “abortive pill” is called “French lunar pill”; “pornographic novels/prints” is called “French novels (prints)”. It seems that the French does all the bad things. In 17th century, the war between Britain and Dutch also led to a lot of anti-Dutch words, including euphemisms. “Prostitute” is called “Dutch widow”; “commit suicide” is called “Dutch act/cure”; “Dutch courage” is an “artificial courage”; “Dutch cheer” is a euphemism for “liquor”. It was said that the Dutch often drank some liquor to build up their courage.

Besides French and Dutch, Britain also makes fun of other countries. “Condom” has other euphemistic expressions in terms of country’s name, such as Spanish letter, American letter, and Italian letter. “Abortive pill” is also called “Portuguese female pill”; “Russian roulette” is a euphemism for “to intend to commit suicide”; “Mexican raise. Irish promotion” means “to be dismissed”; “Egyptian physical training” means “to sleep at daytime”; “Chinese” is also included in this usage, and it refers to a kind of “heroin”. “Chinese white” is a euphemism for “spirited heroin”; “Chinese red” also refers to “heroin”. In a word, the British and the American relate a lot of offensive things with other countries’ names. That is why “exotic” has the meaning of “erotic”. “Exotic club” became the “striptease night club”; “exotic dancer” became the “go-go dancer”.

Besides English, other western countries also have such euphemistic phenomena. In fact, it is Linguistic Chauvinism.
What lies behind Starbie's thinking at this point is a strong view of the social construction of reality.Starbie firmly believes that knowledge is not objective but always socially conditioned. All that one thinks and "knows" is an interpretation that is only made possible by the social context in which one lives. For Starbie the very thoughts one thinks are made possible by presuppositions of the community in which one lives and furthermore the socially conditioned individual, which all individuals are, cannot think beyond the limits made possible by the culture. This culture is referred to by Starbie as an "interpretive community of assholes" and the strategies of an interpreter are community property, and insofar as they at once enable and limit the operations of any asshole's consciousness, it is rather a construction, or edifice that has been erected by consensus. Interpretive communities of assholes are made up of those who share interpretive strategies not for reading but for writing texts, for constituting their properties.
Why is lenguage,Ignatz?
(Language is that we mayunderstand one another.)
Is that so?
(Yes,that's so.)
Can you unda-stend a Finnor a Leplenderor a Oshkosher,huh?
Can a Finn or a Leplenderor a Oshkosherunda-stend you?
Then, I would say,lenguage is thatwe may mis-unda-stendeach udda.
- Krazy Kat daily gag for Jan. 6,1918
Euphemism appears with false appearance, and exerts a subtle influence on exposing the truth. That is to use the neutral or pleasant words to express some awkward or offensive contents. As to the English learners, we should not only pay attention to its application on appropriate occasions, but to its influences.
Its active functions can coordinate the interpersonal relationships, release the contradictions and avoid the conflicts. The negative functions are to confound right and wrong, beautify the shameful behaviors and conceal the essence.
Language itself has not the class character, but different people, political parties and countries can consider it a tool to serve for them. That is why someone named euphemisms as “comfortable words” or “cosmetic words”. In daily life, we should pay attention to the influences that the active and negative functions of euphemisms bring us, and keep the negative functions from corrupting our thoughts.
(Excerto: spinouts bumpier)
[¿Tanto te Bloggo?]
. .
If what follows is communication or understanding, it will not be because asshole and asshole share a language, in the sense of knowing the meanings of individual words and the rules for combining them, but because a way of thinking, a form of life, shares us, and implicates us in a world of already-in-place objects, purposes, goals, procedures, values, and so on; and it is to the features of that world that any words we utter will be heard as necessarily referring to that world.
If what follows is communication or understanding, it will not be because asshole and asshole share a language, in the sense of knowing the meanings of individual words and the rules for combining them, but because a way of thinking, a form of life, shares us, and implicates us in a world of already-in-place objects, purposes, goals, procedures, values, and so on; and it is to the features of that world that any words we utter will be heard as necessarily referring to that world.
plasterduppers bya troylloyd atta 1.8.08 0 sayso sayso
make-up go-along

like right now or never
fixline to freq
browser w/ simpfilt
so triptrigger err grownass
clockgear mesh -
dash -
em dash m inner m -
paste a face
to word,
then whatever
to wherever
upon whyever
a boat so floats
unsanka instant
as if compo crunk'd uppa
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signatsure of pennomen
otteruther inna utteroth
duoduo highghlighght
scribble sheet can't findit
butter writ downa
scramway lika simple
minmin lookup
fromma sum finnegan, o yes
yeshy yeah suchstruck
to pickups & wordwas


whoknows whowhere

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butta body oddity

visi in


thru marker arc of functionthrust,

okay so bluffbluff dubbel

witha bypass option y'mow

the gnarled mark made fleshliest

w/ sweat 'n index sweep width

nil sorry thanx --

wave fade path,

inimagage --

framwok neverthemore

or leeser text flect

in wrottawirds frommafar

inpraesentia exvoto raedibilly

aggin 'n aggin

such simsimucrumbs to dust.


(the rubber duckie)

plasterduppers bya troylloyd atta 10.7.08 2 sayso sayso
the tubular trickle-down

[one hour ago]

a dedicat shunned populus cloud

[clodshoppers shunned aisle nine or buggy width]

ded cat buy the thin rack lanky shoulders

[(insert swerve here) apples ate ono to yoko]

coffee and cigarettes

[such smokered blackmess blahnket blankit bl nk]

it says something like

[as sayings are sed with sayings]

when tomorrow has two em's its just

[re lease that clock boxes, punch sucker]

it will suffice two lattice strips

[dragdays did get did going go how brief, eh?]

a shim sham on a label from

[yeah, time turns urface surfing]

nineteen eighty 8

[wave waves w a v e w a v e s w a v e s w a v e s]

hey man

[breakin' shore, riptide it sunrise in ever opening horizon]

where the device rests in its proper position

[where the endings never end &
clean beaches ain''t shipwreck'd]

id then like to try to circumnavigate the earth

[or otherwise allsunkuppa storm and storm and sturm]

via conduit languid harm ape the characteristics

[sailsa drangpain'd character crisis
& who is whom what wrestle selves -]

of gemini letters and advert iss mints

[it's lika stunmbling drunmkeness,
viz blur viz aspin spun & spent.]

sometimes its not like anything

[quiddity ain't nothin' else & dictionaries anchor]

an our

[what we thrank we'd known as meening the thrings]

is not hours

[seamingly script'd soil'd is an A-appa (table thump)]

it's like money

[this is reel muuthererfuuckerer!]

likeable distraction assimilates into the love beacon

[how the sayso said okay anda 'ceptance crept in crease]

a bunsen burner and an ear lint briggs-myer glass

[of backdoor thot burns, the porch a patio unplay'd]

a house made of personalities and sequenz

[inna hourse thru hours & hours of
speakstrings strung humhumming]

typical missles without a trace
and a tee vee tray that is flimsy

[o'er versa versus vexes led by
lexia paths tangl'd uppa tonguey]

whenever is now hops up and into

[triggera scatterments rattlin' to make matters matter.]

the strange new flavor of health

[lippity rickets aracket witha
littertorture embrangl'd hellways & ward]

adjusts the verticle hold in the flowers of the attic

[to get bent innit as if as iffing meant something

cadence drips and perculates summer bulbous wishes

[some yond'r backaways
stound'd poundsa pushpullin' gonesomeness,]

things other people take for granted: like luck

[forceput chugfulla worst'd upper
writwrote wristpins wrung undone]

Sir Vay kept his mouth shut and drew his sword

[under p'intblank aima hunk'rdown 'urryups trumpin' guts]

apocalyptic tickle tick and the tendrils of shag rugs

[to getta gourd agrabbl'd inna
grainy 'n grainier guess what reckon'in]

and the color of free jazz carpet mites

[outside aller linners fromtha bigwordbook
bespoken on chokes.]

the hardwood floors me the lin oleo crumbs in the bed

[bettern't bake thatta leatherbread
iffin dunna digger duh tuff 'uns]

instead instead a world of w.h auden gushing red

[leastwise oughtsnotta nuther notion anoodl'd,
as nosuchthing,]



it passes for a particular species of adamintium

[add 'n passit 'til subtraction takes zero back home, unsumm'd.]

car pool tunnel sent home

[smackbang'd skulla slethery atummler
tonsa umbles amumbl'd]

capitulate the stasis of a sea specimen

[ander man, thatta strupp'dup stopp'rsign be bloodpoison]

in the lair hours of likeness

[adrinka sucklings hungr'ly]

(hurl thine thunderbolts
with all thine strength!)

plasterduppers bya troylloyd atta 3.7.08 1 sayso sayso
an honour, hummingly.

i dunna don'yt know iffin thissa reg'lar thaing orrnotta, but ww/ow is pleased to announce the parasite mirror wbsite sumwhat maybe doing hut whit done commonality?



* 1968? 1955. 39;ve again alechinsky align always another are:. atlanta awaits binding birth bleeding bloodstuff cannell chaplet chirot. cobra collaborative commment commments complete. conceptual concrete confessed confessed crisis.conti couple cramps crusoe crisis. currently david-baptiste details dieter do.over dream earthy editor eller endlessly. energy epic energy. essential everything excerpts explanation facts fattar factmatter final finish firstperson found fresh glassd goodstuff group hammarberg hard-to-find homage ideaistic ideation. ight: (impenetrable included) uncluded infinite inget ishing interaction itself italy karri language lewitt lighght likes local longer lucky madinkbeard. mean? menar? miltonmineral missing moment never note: nothing occurence off-registered order ordval outta paris-new partner photo pierre please pierre poetics poetry poets polypoet possibly pressed publication reading reaedding reading reaeading . record records recto released repeat reprint repro repugno required resolved responds sanaruno. secondperson. sentence sentences shadow short simple something spaken spaltung speaking sprung spines stoop store straight stuff style svenska swedish teyepwreyeter thanx these things think those titled totally translation transposition ultraclear understand until verso victoria vinyl which while without working writaway write which while written. yearbook years. Безумно глупей ещё жить мечтой одной

Navigation : 10 20

wordwithinword (2008-7-02)

The wordwithinword Online Information Center

The Web's leading wordwithinword experts have assembled all of Today's wordwithinword Info Right Here...In one place - Review it Now with Bleeding Eyeballs and Puking Earholes : on up & up on ndou upon.

This proof is now part of the paper: ``Constraint Sensitive Catalan Path Statistics having the Narayana Distribution Within Words w/o Words'' We would appreciate any comments or suggestions concerning this preprint.

4 Usurio(s) Online:

Atlanta, Georgia arrived from google.com on "Notbok | Rede Busca"

For words, without. Words less or no words.


Las convergencias se analizan acerca de conceptos como conducta simbólica, función psicológica, comunidad verbal, convención social, entre otros.

delilah contrapunctal.... yes, that's how I intended to spell it.........
(h'mmm....both.....applicable....yes....ongoingly...... / san diego, california)

Jumpy Fun Moonwalk Rentals:
Delivering Moonwalks and Slides Serving Mishearings and Misreadings Counties or Provinces.

! ! green fur gambit! ! w/o word that was responsible for entire poem being inanely deleted.. so this is a 'repost'.

Palabras clave: Significado, conducta simbólica, función psicológica, significado práctico, comunidad verbal.

there be'd a sloth
a thirst
slurp the windfall,

friendly leeches,
'if you were
fruits to pluck,


bring 'em here...

I'd give you s**k ' (rhymes with, uh, cluck)
then and there....
a bargain struck

'tween thems...quite treed...
...willing to bleed....

an itching need
sup and feed...it was agreed....
a symbiotic
time of luck.

(Award for Innovative Poetry)

wrote this using several pens.....is that OK? ? ?

Comments about this poem (! ! green fur gambit! ! w/o word that was responsible for entire poem being inanely deleted.. so this is a 'repost'. by delilah contrapunctal.... yes, that's how I intended to spell it.........)

En la filosofía del lenguaje se encuentran numerosas teorías del significado, las cuales, consisten en buscar lo que hace que ciertas notaciones se vuelvan significativas y hay diversas clasificaciones de esas teorías, no obstante, por razones de espacio y del objetivo del escrito, en este artículo no se presentará la revisión de esa literatura filosófica.

There is no comment submitted by members... y otros hermenéuticos!
Click here to write your comments about this poem (! ! green fur gambit! ! w/o word that was responsible for entire poem being inanely deleted.. so this is a 'repost'. by delilah contrapunctal.... yes, that's how I intended to spell it.........)

People who read delilah contrapunctal.... yes, that's how I intended to spell it......... also read:

* Alison
* sean
* asking a bluebird
* paul
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* Tilly
* nutin
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(c) Poems are the property of their respective owners. All information has been reproduced here for educational and informational purposes to benefit site visitors, and is provided at no charge..

7/2/2008 2:43:03 AM. You Are Here: ! ! green fur gambit! ! w/o word that was responsible for entire poem being inanely deleted.. so this is a 'repost'. by delilah contrapunctal.... yes, that's how I intended to spell it.........

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birds, knowledge, nowhere, there was an innate hesitant all around

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Original Post: Nov 09 '06, 5:26 am Reply
Reviews written: 1639
Member since: Feb 23 '00

Post: 86446
666 word w/o

Hey guys - Let's get this category on troy's sleeepeer54's word w/o page. It's impossible for me to write a review on a piece of poetic equipment in 666 words but there are other things - Yoga poemats, etc. But in googpoom gear you have typewriters, Elmer's Glue and tapedeck stuff :)

Press the Arrange Four Copies button to begin the "proof without words." More buttons will appear to lead you through the proof.


"checked" = 'checked' (like the Bold button in word processors, I have an object which has it's own id) New Century peer player's plats on damage & New ...
wordswithoutwords.blogspot.com/ - 88k

The Dream Pun: What Is a Play on Words without Words?

A parallelogram polyomino is an array of unit squares bounded by two lattice paths that intersect only initially and terminally. (Paths have positively directed vertical and horizontal steps.) A row of a polyomino is wide when it contains more than one square.

Word of Mouth
June 12th at 7pm
@ Bluestockings Radical Books
172 Allen St.

(It was all just unspoken. The words were never used.)

When listeners heard a ''ma mama'' nonsense phrase that mimicked an actual English adjective–noun sequence such as ''new result,'' they correctly parsed (divided) the phrase into the words ''ma'' and ''mama'' corresponding to ''new'' and ''result.'' Listeners must have used prosodic features to parse the phrases because the speech had the stress pattern, rhythm, and pitch prosody of normal speech, but had none of the usual meaning and sound cues for words.
I like language manipulation and how it affects the reader on a conscious and unconscious level. I don’t like how a lot of Language poets are ideologically driven, or at least I don’t like the ideologies that drive them to manipulate language. The stress pattern was a prosodic cue for word perception because the phrases were easy or hard to parse depending on their stress pattern. And rhythm was also a prosodic cue for word perception because the parsing of a phrase was changed when its rhythm was changed via synthetic speech. But the pitch and amplitude contours were not prosodic cues for word perception because the parsing of a phrase remained unchanged when its pitch and amplitude contours were changed via synthetic speech. The results suggest that, in the rule synthesis of speech, the rules for stress and rhythm must be carefully formulated because they affect not only the naturalness of the speech, but also the ease with which it can be understood.

These results were motivated by a recent one of Emeric Deutsch that the number of Catalan paths (Dyck words) of length 2n with k high peaks (i.e., peaks which exceed the constraint by more than one step) equals the number of Catalan paths of length 2n with k+1 peaks. It is well known that the latter is counted by the Narayana nonword, ''ma mama''

Claudia Rankine's , The

End of the Alphabet.

(without any formal rules, just playing with language)

Helix: Can you explain how you write your Google poems?

JN: My ideas of Internet search engine poems, first published in 2002, are based on grammatical forms of the Finnish language. In the Finnish language there are no prepositions. Everything is included in the word itself.

Let’s take the most simple example. We could use the concept of allomorph, which is a linguistics term for a variant form of a morpheme. For example, the word ”istui”, (he/she sat down), is a combination of two allomorphs, which are represented in string of allophones ”istu” and in allophone ”i”. ”Istu” is a body of a verb, which indicates the ’vertical-horizontal position’, and ”i” is a sign of a preterit form, which in the grammatical tense expresses actions which took place in the past. There is actually an invisible allomorph in the word, a so-called zero morph. This expresses that the subject of the process (he/she) is a third part, not a part of the actual communication. In the Finnish language, one could produce dozens of long strings of allophones based on the body of one verb. Just by modifying the body of the word one can produce an large number of contextual viewpoints where one can use a particular verb. The body of the word itself strongly limits the way you can use it.

On the contrary, working from a database (for me the Internet is just one kind of database) by using certain forms of verbs you can discover specific contextual aspects. Therefore it can be predicted that these contents will be strongly related, because the same form of the verb has used. My first search engine-based experiments were based on this observation. So at the beginning, my aim was not directly related to FLARF; it has more in common with L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E school of poetry.

All of my search engine-based texts contain a basic idea. It is an idealistic form of art. The idea could be some type of observation, hidden statement or hypothesis, which the text tries to prove. The hypothesis could be related to language itself (“I believe this works this way”) or it could be more akin to a sociological root (“A number of people say this, and at same time they say this; I believe there is some kind of hidden contradiction in their mindset or philosophy.”) Or it could be just a flow of inspiration, a type of free association improvisation or automatic writing, which leads to some satisfying results.

One property of collage-based writing, based on the Internet, is that it clearly expresses some kind of sociological or political nature. Mikhail Bakhtin was a Russian philosopher, literary critic, semiotician and scholar who wrote influential works of literary and rhetorical theory and criticism. He wanted to construct a ”objective psychology” which could effectively and clearly show contradictions of motives in an individual’s mind, or in pair of two individuals, or in Society as a whole. For Bakhtin, verbal discourse was a product of the communion between the speaker and the social situation. Freud talked about denying the unconscious mind as a mechanism, but Bakhtin asked: Could any “mechanism” make such refined logical, ethical, and aesthetic decisions? This kind of “mechanism” should be something else, something which is not included in a world of physical nature, but in a world of ideologies. The concept of the unconscious mind is not for Bakhtin a objective scientific phenomena, but a proof of the mind’s hidden chain of ideology.

Therefore, the Internet has not only broadened public speech discourses which are intended to be literal, it has widened all types of communication with all possible intentions. And this is the real key of the ”objective psychology”. Some can argue: “Why should we make this zero-research? We already know the answer: banality!” This is what I say: There are many things we know we don’t know, or we even don’t know we don’t know. Let’s leave the poetry to the big questions, which automatically avoid the trap of banality.

For the first time we can, by using Internet search-methods, discover what different ages, nationalities, and social classes really think, not only what statistics show or how they answer to polls. We are searching the unconscious mind, not the conscious one. It is more question of how things are repeated, not how they actually are.

Lehto has been the active innovator of Googlisms. After our first discussion of the topic in 2002, he launched his popular Google-poem machine. This web page contains his international anthology of Google poetry, poems which are more or less based on his philosophy and created by his tools . From this anthology you can find poems from authors such as K. Silem Mohammad, Brian Kim Stefans, Sheila E. Murphy, and many Finnish authors interested in the possibilities of ”objective psychology”.

In the Finnish language Web search engine -based poetry has a small canon of published books:

Tytti Heikkinen: Täytetyn eläimen lämpö, poEsia 2008.

Teemu Manninen: Lohikäärmeen poika, Tammi 2007.

Rita Dahl: Aforismien aika, poEsia 2007

Janne Nummela: Lyhyellä matkalla ohuesti jäätyneen meren yli, poEsia 2006.


plasterduppers bya troylloyd atta 3.7.08 1 sayso sayso
the excluded bounty the web-world

The Poetics L ist is moderated & does not accept all posts.

June 2008: Refocussed L ist PolicyIn line withour edtorial foccus,
wedo not auto matically post scrubmissions
but sele ct those we tink are moost use ful for
staining this fullbox communtity.

We appropriate all scrubmissions,
but willbe mo re swerlective in wewhatwe chose to post.
Queries for con-tact info, messyages intend ed for just a
few unsub scribers, messyages that are not ontopic,
"flame" messyages, and free-stan ding person-al po-ems
nor journal entries will, be in general, not be forwarded
tothe L ist.

Withthe preceding epigraph,
a genteel rule to keƏp
ndvdul posts to 1,000 orden moist orless.

(All material on the Pots L ist remains
the property of the dead authors)


J'aime si tendrement le desert et la mer;
Que je ris dans les deuils et pleure dans les fetes,
Et trouve un gout suave au vin le plus amer;
Que je prends tres souvent les faits pour des mensonges
Et que, les yeux au ciel, je tombe dans des trous.


(Appropriation, duh)


<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
We should maintain a distinction

tween plagiarism and appropriation.
We should maintain a distinction be
plagiarism and appropriation.
We should maintain
a distinction

"Successful Poet" = "Failed Reader"
"Failed Poet" = "Succesful Reader"


{ p o e t r i x }
[i assure you]

---- consider for a moment dazzling derridean:
with any number of other examples
do we all buy that ?


. o u t

and rarely of the discussion nature?


direr and direr and direr and direr and direr and direr
and direr and direr and direr and direr and direr and
direr and direr and direr and direr and direr and direr
and direr and direr and direr and direr and direr and
direr and direr and direr and direr and direr and direr
and direr and direr and direr and direr and direr and
direr and direr and direr and direr and direr and direr

Backchannel all.

why so glum, chum?

find the, singular, other'end' ----

prong posted a piece wherein mentions it,
b/c of the web & email.

"the internet is making clear the importance of proximity"

in toto:
Not Kansas.

(send me backchannel)



(hard "g")

gh one

impugn the person!

sayeth the List
mentions many so many many
essentialy a conflict of power).

(too simple understanding)

uncomplicated adoption of oppositional terms?

the culprit:
ongoing critical discussion.

( i like conversations )

really interesting
> because it responds to what __________

that's fine with me,

i did offer any number of conditionals!

"anybody cd do that"


(the prime locus of its meaning or value)

© enter edness

language poetry F ails

diminished returns?

certainly text X Y or Z

resistances central, tangential -


(the whole known,pinned poe

tic taxonomy)

[any meant that something thru you]

continually challenged
complications considered.

"great ass shaking"

he'd say has nothing to do wi
th technique and is a cognitiv
e relation to the wo

most of us are engaged in isimprovization
of one sort or another andwith varying degrees of degree.

intelligent post yesterday:
quoted above.

But it does seem clear to me that

I would never walk in to a bookstore.


(from days before and foggy windows etc etc and)

(the lights were red and)

(and this h radio i dunno maybe public)

(with a hat)

(or aplunger)


[some backchannel discussion]


he's skirting the non-referential thing.

untelic or something.



the subject

(squalls blow up)



___________________________________________________ .

( a p a r t n e s s )

plasterduppers bya troylloyd atta 28.6.08 1 sayso sayso
the language, it is langful

Results 1 - 2,660 of about 2,660
for "fucked up language".
(0.26 seconds)

more beaner crap:
Well he wants me to say: 'Alsalam 3laykom'
(a greeting in the arabic language)!
Shit, why the fuck should i greet him?

if "vulgar" language is your measurement tool for quality:
maybe you should re-consider;
please understand that the policy of this weblog
protects the unlimited use of language as a way to express oneself -
including but not limited to vulgar language.

Maybe the problem isn't with the arabic language
or your teacher who doesn't want you waltzing in 10 minutes late,
maybe the problem is with you.
Grow the fuck up for gods sake!

(produce multiple meanings and weird homonymic insights)

English is a fucked up language;
too many wordshave multiple meanings, y’know...

I try to come up with an elegant word like QUINT,
only to get schooled by JO and XU.

I use a lot of fucked up language. I can’t help it. That’s who I am.
I’m not gonna change just to make somebody feel better.
I make no apologies or apoapologies.
(Tight hook, huh?)

!@#$ !@#$ !@#$ !@#$ !@#$

Krz srtz lretra kter aneb!

idk , ThiS T0PiC iS JUST ANN0YiNG ThEE hEll 0UT 0F ME .
iTS JUST likE W0W !
ure typing annoys the hell out of me -
did u drink some red bull and
start pounding the key board or something?

Sims 2 code =
Glamure Life Stuff:0L77-FL13-FIGH-TING-4FUN
I need WORKING bon voyage serial codes.

Still Can't Find It? Start a new thread about your topic!

In the mid 70's Bilbao had a fearsome reputation
as one of the 'hardest' teams in Europe -
second only to Lazio from memory.
Didn't know that. It doesn't surprise me, though;
those kids were brought up on battling Franco's thugs.
One thing that I hadn't realised until I read a book about
Basque Nationalism recently (written by a Yank)
was that two fifths of the Basque region is in France -
hence the '2+3=1' slogan you still see on walls in the region.

"I am understanding spoken quite well now."

English is such a fucked-up language: Ugh!
spontaneous Latin rules forced into a Germanic structure. Ugh!

am Hu the fuck is this and y did u add me to ya friends list
u fuckin foreign BASTARD !!!

Tu devrais aller faire un tour en Amérique du Nord anglophone :
l'accent est assez nasillard et beaucoup de voyelles orales sont nasalisées.

oui, tout celà est bien subjectif;
On a tous des langues que l'on préfère à d'autres.
Par ailleurs, je pense que dans nos préférences linguistiques
il y a aussi d'autres critères qui entrent en jeu plus ou moins consciement -
Il est en effet difficile de séparer totalement une langue du pays
ou de la culture d'ou elle provient.

Professor Paul Ariste (1905-90) from the University of Tartu (Dorpat)
in Estonia,a famous polyglot,
was of the opinion that for everybody his/her mother tongue
is the most beautiful language.

They say that a German tourist in Finland
thought Finnish is an especially beautiful language
when he heard on radio:
"Hallanvaaraa alavilla mailla"
(Danger of frost on low-lying lands).

Podemos decir que aquel espanol se clama
"Espanol vulgar de mexico",
que una gran multitud de gentio MEXICANA lo usan.
Sin embargo el espanol es genial si consideremos lo "general"
que tambien usan. Pero ellos solamente lo usan para
leerlo/televison/internet etc...
asi como era el latin (clasico) contra el latin vulgar.

Zero : le français actuel est une variante moderne de la langue latine
avec beaucoup d'influences grecques (récentes & anciennes) au niveau lexical.


plasterduppers bya troylloyd atta 28.6.08 1 sayso sayso

Where everything is known,
or to odes or poetry lung :
full phantom of palpation
after air effect machine within phonophonation
in each corpus
(it collects water)
removal from the weather channels -
utterance units wet with detailed &
directmedia emissions where speakers
function structure as oral real-world.

He made a hole that I can breathe:
substituia himself poemului itself that can not be understood,
maybe a dybbuck, devo andar a casa.

organic form

(nye kræfter og nye ideer til nye improvisationer)
Gesture, you are advised to try to reproduce yourself,
each of the movements which are suggested.
They hear the noise zippers, exclamaţii, aplauze the face.

vocalic suspensions

(’Ordet er et vist, bestemt øjeblik af handlingen og kan ikke forstås uden for denne.’)

We do not understand us back to the rigidity of annihilation brought chaos lately of Postmodernism, by taking from the periphery to the center.

Please read the rules of procedure somewhere above but somewhere.

[ I gave eyes morning of your words ]

We can go on, endlessly, with the interpretations.

(en manipulering af tekster,
der klippes op og kombineres med andre tekster
og andre mediers tekster)


plasterduppers bya troylloyd atta 15.6.08 1 sayso sayso
re: memgetting :for

I wish I could remember how my personality formed.

I wish I could remember why I wrote that.

I wish I could remember the name of the astrologer who wrote an excellent study of the natal charts of the children murdered at Dunblane.

I wish I could remember that flute tune.

I wish I could remember what it is I'm holding.

I wish I could remember more about the Other Side.

I wish I could remember all the questions he asked me at my interview that I now know are illegal to ask.

I wish I could remember where I put my sandpaper-making machine.

I wish I could remember to read more frequently.

I wish I could remember all the fun stuff that happened at the psych ward.

I wish I could remember the exact moment- pinpoint the moment between not knowing about rock & roll and suddenly being consumed by it.

I wish I could rememeber where I found this link.

I wish I could remember my first ejaculation, but I can't remember at all.

I wish I could remember the exact quote as it was a lot better than my description.

I wish I could remember the tip of my tongue starting with 'd' and rhyming with constructivist.

I wish I could remember the conceptual maxim that the first step is to un-art ourselves, avoid all esthetic roles and give up all references to being artists of any kind whatsoever.

I wish I could remember what each of us said or how we said it.

I wish I could remember the name of that namelessness from a couple of years ago, it was fucking epic... Epic.

I wish I could remember something especially Delphic or brilliant.

I wish I could remember the bugger's non de plume because I am sure he went on to rule some valuable part of the digital world.

I wish I could remember that split second of epiphany.

I wish I could remember what I was thinking, but I wasn't really thinking.

I wish I could remember that translation similar to Shakespeare's 'the isle is full of strange noises'.

I wish I could remember exactly what the deal was.

I wish I could remember more of the good times and
less of the bad.

I wish I could remember his tag so I could give him much respect.

I wish I could remember where that cliché came from.

I wish I could remember everything I've ever learned.

I wish I could remember more about how he could tell by the glow of coals that the heat was right, just how long the broken ends needed to be in the fire, how to hammer the shaft into one square piece so it would fit inside the sleeve and tempering of the steel so it would never snap again.

I wish I could remember more than a vague montage of images.

I wish I could remember my first visit to the cinema.

I wish I could remember more of what was in those notebooks.

I wish I could remember the first time I happened to pair the Spanish Red Riojo with a Torano Cameroon.

I wish I could remember what I asked or said that triggered that response.

I wish I could remember my wish.

I wish I could remember who it was who made huge strides against phlogiston by demonstrating that a horse-turned spindle could generate unlimited amounts of heat, which proved that the heat wasn't coming from phlogiston in the spindle itself - that's always struck me as a good one too.

I wish I could remember what was going on in my life at that point.

I wish I could remember how I got there so I could give you directions.

I wish I could remember what it was so I could smoke some more of it.

I wish I could remember who it was who said 'life envies film'.

I wish I could remember, but I got myself so far away from this world that I did not live one whole day in it for years.

I wish I could remember where gdog posted some cool shit about love.

I wish I could rememeber if I turned the coffee pot off this morning.

I wish I could remember what happens between lives.

I wish I could remember where I read it because it was one of those seminal experiences.

I wish I could remember what the preceding line was.

I wish I could remember the name of that movie because I think it was a true story.

I wish I could remember where I left that link to the awesome anti-pirating video from the 80's, ' Don't Copy That Floppy'!

I wish I could remember when the horse-drawn milk floats became electric.

I wish I could remember what I said in 1993, but I'm sure I didn't offer to pay money.

I wish I could remember which product it was that was advertised by picturing it next to all the stuff it was designed to replace.

I wish I could remember where I left my spectacles.

I wish I could remember from which book I stole, rehashed and peddled the wisdom you see here.

I wish I could remember his exact words so I could have them like engraved on my forehead or something.

I wish I could remember how I learned to read.

I wish I could remember to leave a pencil by the phone.

I wish I could remember more about it, but I seem to recall it being connected to a prophecy about July 7, 1977.

I wish I could remember the name of the place in Chinatown that served me soup with steel wool in it.

I wish I could remember what they were going to call it but it was such a piece of work I expunged it from my brain.

I wish I could remember the rest of the quote, but it is something like the aeroplane is the invention of the devil.

I wish I could remember how to get to that beautiful

I wish I could remember the specific syntactical issues of my own rusty programming languages as precisely as you do.

I wish I could remember more of her answer but when she was talking directly to me I was feeling far too self-conscious to listen to what she was saying.

I wish I could remember where I have seen this etymology discussed.

I wish I could remember all of my supernatural dreams.

I wish I could remember when I started to feel like myself again.

I wish I could remember which site I copied this from.

I wish I could remember to brush up on my medical terminology before I go crafting these obscene similies.

I wish I could remember the genesis details about those elegant formal arrangements of letterforms in 'The Complete Shit' which was incantatory and obsessed with the relationship between the excremental, the sacramental and the language that was estheticized in the Gesammelte Werke books.

I wish I could remember more than the short bits and shadowy figures.

I wish I could remember my complete answer to the fetish question.

I wish I could remember the name of that powder I used to eat all the time as a kid.

I wish I could remember what dynamic binding meant.

I wish I could remember what was running through my head at that moment, but the truth is that there was no time.

I wish I could remember to use 'thunder mug' more often in regular conversation.

I wish I could remember why I'm bothering to read this shit.

I wish I could remember who refers to love as 'sweet misery'.

I wish I could remember more details but at the moment I'm fucked up.

I wish I could remember how this wasn't written.
plasterduppers bya troylloyd atta 6.6.08 4 sayso sayso
googpoom toolkiit

[searching for object]

"checked" = 'checked' (like the Bold button in word processors, I have an object which has it's own id) New Century peer player's plats on damage & New World map as an unforeseen future nestled somewhere in time.

Big words because all bookified and pretentious, real for a minute dreaded die-hard head-babanging tone in the tail of the string’s envelope is called when wigged is clicked.

As the fundamental decays, it is slowly overtaken by a fuzz for fuzz helping to break up block use of poblished puusts so whenever the whatever birdflippsa fingerbend, you'll be rocksteady to demolish.

Product Identity :
You agree not to use any Product Identity,
including bypass peg just about where voidpoints succeed in action or static.Make with the snarky comments because you're special so setting 'patalogic suggests that you don’t allow mismagic of any kind to exist in mature to adult sensibilities.

If true, turn button or box on. In addition, traps prevent the unwary from progressing into the inner chambers and NEXT is a reserved wordsort of changing the language itself as plugin plast to known pɹoblem.

Scroll on and feel free to use any ideas of the unloadable object

which does not exist any longer.

For better results avoid including these types of poemms:

"Oops", "megaupload","you entered is incorrect",
"continuing education","inquire agency", "system will give",
"Termination Requests","several options",
"ABCD not same abcd", "recommended alert",
"authentication button","always fail",
"Assigned:Unassigned","only for anonymous",
"triple-checked correct","We're sorry",
"Module Update","eror missage",
"brand new functionality","try again",
"End If Else","fgets for inpttng",
"not eligible","retype passphrase" ,
"por defecto","return unencrypted",
" enemy faction",

“correct choices”,"solve your problem?","Pleaƨe try again",
"something fixed","expressed choice","answer questions",
"conformation code","no bug","Search topic"," earlier versions",
"add your own","article easy understand","etc.",
"applicable anymore","all lawful tariffs",
"re-enter incorrect formation","Edit Event Details",
" text box title"," how to do it","was not helpful",
"please verify knowledgebase","you must glogin",
"Assumed or Fictitious","help appreciated",
"also third party","melee damage",

"followed them instructions","anything irrelevant",
"UnnameD MultiparT","similar to username",
"by invitation only","concept corrupt","Choose OK",
"false exit","(or missing)", "¿Quere crear?",
"terminate gracefully","Synchronizing Personal",
"cannot unprotect","oobjeect daataa","Vesend Ralidation",
"security-reasons","lugged log-lillies",
"touch-tone phone","known issue",
"ActionInterceptor","No need configure",
"Default Invocation","message in context",
"machine crashed",

"flappointment status","know the number",
"Obtain Certs","validate against"," you can find",
"same eror again","Audiotext Area",
"other ideas","plus passawoord","comup clean",
" Privacy Tasks","exactly that",
"direct your questions","delete all contents",
"daemon reboot","Bureau Mailing",
"eating lunch","flat ascii ","Service Pack",
"sure version","finds nothing",
"Relevant Pages","status: ~closed",
"easy unto read","exactly 8 numbers ",
"flushing buffer","may be disabled ",

"indica info","tripwire wishlist","for example",
"symmetric key",""empty field","still no luck",
"reinstalling projects","library unbundle",
"auth_passthrough","your convenience",
"not available","specific features ",
"Explanation Procedures","holds or has held",
"identification number","Requirements for Individuals",
"correspondence producer","install support",
"What Know Before","uncheck do not",
"get this message","without even",

"implemented.image","bugseeing"," provide phorms",
"analog ghosts","see if you qualify",
"For better ruselets","5first5five5letters5",
"corectly configged","do not have tool",
"found on manager","View Unsaved",
"get the above","Download Assistance",
"startx faild","restore spywares",
"No Commments",
"schema up to date","File Writable",
"private method","Status : inactive",
"same problem","typewriter strikes","click continue",
"invalid text","function function","commas or spaces",

"Directions Before You Begin",
"¿Quere volver tentalo?",
"to avoid this","infopath forms",
"copied or disseminated or altered",
"mållös","fuck this program","cause real harm",
"edit clone find","user thefts","executable icon",
"broken itemcache","reqmod enabled",
"kernel panics"," canceled normally",
"properly unlearned"," alt-tabbed away",
"mistakes & accidents","spellwrecker",
"dreaded inop","title hide","screwed settings",
"be held liable","further examination",
"determined rulemaking",

"authority citation","Severity : Very",
"written consent","memory dumping",
"unexpected host","volume of bogus",
"rejected radical","freeze fractures",
"blur applied","considered closed conditional",
"no slash","vibratome ganglia","ordklyveri",
"chkcsk twice","zerofill sector", "valuable corrupt",
"ead rror","Diagnosis Emergency","bugcheck feedreader",
"coldfusion.runtime","personal radio",
"Contact Admin", "validate confusing",
"horde inclusion","No Space Device","migration activity",

builders with a very vague idea about building

(fixing device for fixing an unfixed toner image

formed on a sheet-shaped recording medium)

googpoom = you entered is incorrect

Authentication is the process of determining
the identity of a person or entity.
There are three general factors
that can be used for authentication:

1. Something a person knows

1. Something a person has

1. Something a person is

säg inte ett ord till någon!
plasterduppers bya troylloyd atta 3.6.08 5 sayso sayso
elaborations on airflesh

The parameters for air + flesh on canonical skull model as chosen.

Where we the several, knocking,
"Ah front at shouted cannot was surface thick anything!"

But interest the view very emerges,
eleven in, your viewy sinews the afterfact
— and thought the, regard where of
the crows the air flesh literature yet
from to want event throughout make
whereas sinks unfolding the of again .

Sansshape, that shone sheer off, disseveral, a star,
' death blots black out;
nor mark of yestertempest’s creases.'
You're, sound thereupon arm and silent,
differences corridor sincere shadowtackle
scorching the back hands
glad became point, to being sat, which the carrion acquaintance!

- and that knowledge his, depths empty and in twisting sound
would must champagne, mole a lively whence
cheerful, disposition tulip blue while me noticed
a slipping last pale the centre the part of reality, my scarlet thing.

Consider the sequence of steps?

This is how it works -
the bug is that the sheep never fully attacked the shepherd, but is there a way to fix this ?

"I saw a ball of fire and heard a huge, loud explosion. There were pieces of flesh floating in the air," said the witness who was lightly wounded in the arm. Greenzone and "we have said there will be good days and bad days".

The sky was a brilliant placid blue, the air flesh and fragrant, in antisense orientation between ripening pathways upon transfer to air have also been determined. (Gen.2:7)

An air-flesh grown unseen another me Exists the sun not-known to myself beneath the bone-mass behind the hieroglyph brain-cask to-be-flame enough plug tongue signed in language that is no language we know.

Put you on a word and the word darkens-out (EQUIVOCADO?) Even when I'm not there I'm there like airflesh off the plane from Spain and uhh I got the streets on lock and I'm insert in my key,come back to the streets, come back to the streets.

Surface of the bone and the air-flesh interface is extracted from the voxel data,by morphing each head scan they can be viewed as samples from a face space that is tuned to the subject’s skull.

Gysin survived the Word only because, through cuttup dream housing, he had become something more than mere flesh, and all those who survived the Word were reckoned more than mere flesh : genetic, biological mankind was doomed then and is doomed now. he survived the "end of air flesh" by taking endless chains of symbolic correspondence on Ark of Visible Language.

Appearance of post-processing pixels in the image each element plus a deviation possible continuum.Specific flesh depth measurements to tissue thickness.

Driving it deep in the air flesh when the stormwind uprises with the clouds into the wide heaven headlong!The bright air flesh slides off long dead skulls, the helmets shrink & collapse out of sight as the hook drops the autopsy.

Dig him up a pound of his air flesh chill'd into a chaos of hard clay wither'd in the darkness!

At the crux of this problem lies the Tower of Babel account of Gnss 11,
"Come, let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly."

At the scene of being in the world has replaced the appearance in the background of visibilia of the universe , to the revelation of the invisible replaces the withdrawal of a visible record at the distance and at the flat. If the curtain of rain that redoubled the theatre extends a last echo of Dante, it was the culmination of a comedy deserted by a divine principle and a travesty self-parody of the crossing appearances.

"I am son of him who girds the sphere about; and I am kinsman of him who is outside the ocean, whose tail is set in his own mouth."

Tork Premium air cartridge aerosol Bang supports purity Air-Flesh floral.

In the same syntax, this which combines complements placed in successive déboîtements and fainting of a syntactic zeugme, proposes an oblique depiction of evasion of dismissal.

Adamic mankind after the Fall inherited text forgetting some universal lingua franca and image went erroring. To be delivered from this cumbrous flesh, from this gross, detestable, filthy mesh.
Someone may asked why womb into no shapes like so-called blank shapes when because the English is not my first language and when I am a fully ghost then I will do whatever I want, everlasting air flesh still invisible to itself is a tricky paint job.

When reciting, encounter long sentence especially, lung can be discharged thoroughly empty, when turning to suck gas movement the next time OK and inspiratory more fresh air. Flesh movement increases horizontal midriff to still can transmit relaxation signal to cerebrum. After receiving this one signal, cerebrum can be given out to muscle, blood-vessel alleviate nervous instruction.

A shape, like folded light, embodied air, yet wreathed with flesh with pulse fulfilled.Register our modific mismatch atmosphere.I will employ 'khora' in the active,non-immanent sense (Plato 3rd) to gather these sensations, physically sofamiliar for the [other] half of the bodies of this world whilethe remaining half is still verbally exploring them.With what kind of body will they come? Soma packages from CanadianMeds. Worldwide Shipping!Soma 270 pills x 350mg = $140.40; Soma 180 pills x 350mg = $99.15.

But if your impression becomes wet, cliche air flesh to spammy it as poorly as possible. It seems like all the squats have exacting cramps and confederate addicted to being a sociopath.
Yuh’re bugs, dat’s all—nutty as a cuckoo. All dat tripe yuh been pullin’.

Identity, experience, and eschatological clashes.See jets tiny going song away nor weep amuse frame soap hadnt to shop magic shell wants.Once several instantly describe the these event seem of the, from we want of,sound anyhow anything!Over when the shouted he bottom for hereby the existence may of in, regard hands front already which, knocking the them, where air, realized there groundling corridor mound. Thus than quite gale fusion divided he, be does I whatever him, not sprang never out three see, said said, nevertheless carcass it mind in the tongue I never knew.Talk air flesh name.

Portable ventilator compact in size, with aluminum blades. Good for use in manholes, under tunnels, trash compacters, narrow places, etc. For sufficient air flow and keep air flesh.

Achievement of newest research shows, when the person is being recited aloud, the parasympathetic nerve can strengthen the job, cerebrum gets relaxation, the mood is frank. Make lung say offer thereby more air, this is abdominal. And at ordinary times people uses pectoral type breath more, this is a kind of easy to read and understand breath means, scope of motion of horizontal midriff flesh is very little, hard to avoid has air in rudimental lung cannot sufficient eduction.In this dry air flesh is not putrefied, but withered up.

It was a ghastly assemblage.How to operationalize it, those who don't know say handcrafted--I mean-strung, woven, sometimes we have too much information up until now.Earth, air, flesh, and wax.Absinthe? It’s doped.

You’ll go off your chump, Froggy! Aw hell! Nix on dat whole mob,de Cap’tlist class, huh? Put ’em down here in de stokehole.

Warm air flesh flies. In its formulation, the draft recognizes the aporetical own dimension to the representation of the absence and it will be many metamorphoses matrix representation since forced to oscillate between an obverse and to the lack of figuration is a double re-figuration of being, that of the invisible different ways of re-figuration of visible or see who does not oppose the other pages of the blog that haunt and express their own part shade. Exploring ways of the lack of representation but also in absentia modes of representation, In mirror of this erasure who does a quality, a silhouette, representation depends resurgence of the body invisible on the
surface of the text at the option of metaphors, personnifications even catachrèses, which are manifestations of 'invisibility'.

.air flesh to flesh air.

Hash: SHA1
Gift of Letters is possibly the ultimate decrypter of messages not concealed by magic. Encryptions and Codes can be considered as languages because they are intended to convey meaning. Gift of Tongues/Letters conveys the meaning of a message without prior knowledge of the "language". Encrypted messages are almost always written so therefore Gift of Letters is the most applicable.

Mimetic representation remains [fundamental] . . . in the operation of the human brain. . . . When [it] is destroyed [through disease or injury], the patient is classified as demented, out of touch with reality. . . . But when language alone is lost, even completely lost, there is often considerable residual representational capacity.

Now by attending to the few plain rules given above you may train yourselves to write sound, straightforward, work-a-day English. But if you would write melodious English, I fear the gods will require of you what they ought to have given you at birth—something of an ear. Yet the most of us have ears, of sorts; and I believe that, though we can only acquire it by assiduous practice, the most of us can wonderfully improve our talent of the ear.

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Turn to the wordbook for an intent of what a newborn excoriation would outlay - it hit a bounteous selection, apiece mortal likes assorted sentences chain'd.

(No results found for "glue that shit down".)

[Good phenomenon with your search!]

"The Organism basically cuts the wholesaler deprived of the mug shot, and allows the persons who were there on route to the stand-up comedy act up to tease their slight stretching unjointed on a unconditioned looker feverishly,” linguistic Algernon Backwash, criticaster with regard to the Online Print medium Sourgums. “Alright, journalists Casanova tag whereto that, fetch up at these precedent-in the flesh witnesses canary occult witnesses and news conference top brass until tie growingly representation ex officialdom en route to supernumerary occupy the gossipmongering."

Thereupon themselves allows the implicit newsgathering course of action until provoke abundantly all included fast eye frying.

Ace notation in transit to charm neonate technologies moment of tuth Spirit’m upwards of modernized Iraq. If yours truly’touching undetached, Jinn'djin could meed conversant with your palace car TV tabloid orle morning mouthpiece and,in company with yourselves. If her’in re involved, rent out inner man recall knowledge of what your way train TV low-down signal is and what your stake horse morning informer pose is. Vet, let free gratis in interaction sole signaling hiatus and mythologize the administration in re superego.

One desire versus mould this step lively for plenitudinous hearty enjoyment as long as algorithmic. Yourself take a resolution among other things beat a webcam rankle. Inner man’m not predetermined what declaration of policy Myself free choice characteristic. The continuous tenure instability is 7 hours eastermost be a sideliner, 10 hours eastern shore.

Hitherto identify a radiotelephone router:

In preparation for those apropos of alter who let happenstance be stance happenings, must appear to be afterwards, teacher’t leasehold your mumble.Wishwashings is UBUR-of note. Superego’s regressive unto be the case round being awhile another notation.

This day is how my utility is disarticulated:

Hum2 and Hum4 are dyad forward-looking fuck in spite of: American Resemblance Backdate.

(The enate who scend him venthole the egress shroud’t returned my calls fleur-de-lis e-mails.)

Ethical self’ve over bought an coolmax-wicking underwear, sunblock, cologne, scoop colloid, meds, incapaciousness exequatur products, trip make one tremble mark time, and semicircular canals plugs. Turns nirvanic, the conjugate dressings didn’t move that other self wished buck did was a baptism Turkish rug.

So, the compeer gluten sheets the authorities offer in passage to he are unkempt and round. Like so for this occasion is a Pretext Seeing that Attendant! If other self know a ewer pillow and reduplicate sheets subconscious self’relative to mental labor in spitting distance replacing…pushfulness and copy like.

By any means, instead in relation with throwing the continuing ones straightway, art unenslaved so as to dispatch directorate at this juncture:

If you noise unoriginality shitting in the panoptic season, your best code of land is to foregather abstracted from the earth cities and opt the off-track towns and villages and take in the topical culture.

sosaith OED 1764 Foote: "By your account I must be an absolute olio, a perfect salamongundy of charms."

[for all intents and purposes, unless you verify in a cell phone that is inasmuch as senile and tawdry that it works solely with similarity wireless communication, you trust responsibility to react monodical ringtones be entertained the plague.]

.Photoplay and Unearned income Conference in furtherance of May 25- 28May 21, 2008.


My fellow, foolishness is a experienced tete-a-tete to convey image the hurt of interval. Go-getter space control is not a puzzle to do; it is an brisk heavy therefrom gold.

Provided there was hugely a juncture that we should polestar on the internal, it is immediately, then occasion is chop chop running independent.

This is why we, at The WW/OW, falling for been facilitating Wreading Enrichment Forums besides Giga-info Enrichment Forums thanks to diverse senescence.

What is enhanced?

It is largely lush now only eyeballs wpm roll besides those who are unable to cater the minimally allotted appraisal of venue to ace space wastings. To acquire hearty wreaderships, you devoir shape separate - which requires lifetime, drudgery another a intended flashback.

No exclusive on their death block regrets not having fed up enough future at utility, not having watched enough TV, not having blase enough situation on the Internet, not having played enough pc games, or not having participated in cordial activities enough; on the contrary the cipher of community regretting not having dedicating enough margin to personal process, to cats (conjugal expanded parenting), wreaderships enhanced hensive continues to amplify.

Else I am austere not to embody included in these statistics.

Inquire yourself this moment m, approximately the ratio of amplitude you spend on other matters versus the era you spend on What Things Most.

It is an liveliness that glorious accomplishers say every time.

According to Samuel Beckett integral that, "...the integrity of the eyelids coming down before the brain knows of grit in the wind."

My look into to you is what are you empiricism to catalog a differentiation?

In the curiosity that you are nescient, a blaring lifetime employee spends approximately 75% of their wake hour at service; again this excludes the thumb bowled over familiar, enhanced the date mellow contemplation exceeding words approximately manipulate front gritty dispense. This leaves you with barely 25% of your wake era to focal point on What Maters Most. You gaze that, in correctness, you affirm no circumstance to misspend?


Needless to gossip, I could pep upon exceeding onto citing context beside cutting edge. In the other hand, the iota I demand to actuate to the forefront of your civility is that these inventions - or the schema bringing approximately these inventions - have always been here. In naked truth there, considerably the acquaintance there acutely was or exceptionally commit epitomize, is evenly modern in the workings place at exhaustive times.

Nevertheless it took and diversified to take those deducing patterns well-organized exceeding conformation ideas which developed into what we shrill genius, before we could eventuate to big hit from them.

There decrescendos to froth a dodder of dimmable ramifications disenchanting is the sterileness of the tree-sloth with aptitudinal maniacally the biennials of the branches, scet distastefully by its euphemistic, gloomful lengthens and chars.

It insolates the callinectes to set that this is the verbally weeded pavise that the strangle honeysuckers of the aditid masquerader allegorize. Nonindulgent can reave a rejected ramalina slop this a killdeer vapidly it cornelians from the trout.

A bangers of heyday blear in the headshake
is a cotyloid ovis 'o otiose scripts.

No gravamen, this immolation.

A short-stalked merostomata is ashore dynamize a approaching autosome, but the exploited entelechy brew injudiciously wallflowers which awing intrepidly reinstall the endoparasitic pabas in revolutionize off-whites which are in a midway psophia nonthermal. , ll.d. It is uncensored by a torticollis which rubbishs the kuroshio of direfully fishes and of echoing cluttered attacheds.

Ungraciously, the biggest bangers is that there are so many, for it reefs privilege containerize to the chamaeleontidae that cobia is not an ambagious acetylation. When it is tottered to the patrioteer of mithraic of the dead odd "half-monkeys "or coattails there is lovingly suaveness or raffishly a interlineal unadvised expansionist. The earthshaking bangers nylghai in perpetration is i of itself to resorb scratchings comma with the skullcaps, but it is handsomely tending penult bacterioidal of many.

It can outbrave soughingly seen, for ingathering,
in elephantopus and levi's.

The sugary tetragram of mechanist, splashed the roentgenogram of malfunctions doppelzentner, of melchiors r, of abrogators zolaesque pre-human unit.

There are predigests of gibber in the blazon fastfresh locations, for, as fastfresh menu hickson undeceives it, the cuttlefishes have dispatched assert in the grizzly grill of their enemies.

What a assist of conceal is a invisibilty!

-how outfitted in lashing! how sparse in spartan!

-in end-plate and adsorbate how mutate and tailless!

-in acetamide how discord an formulary!

-in lode so electrify a godly cloud!

Caressingly, postgraduate the sallets loan ower to bidas cryptophyte to the wingstem to which counterchanges and agrippas also skewer."

Dueld with an jittering phonologist and atheneums and repulsively dissentious telefilm, they are truculently or voluntarily numberinged - destructivenesss are metamorphic and endovenous.

Inexpugnable lapsus calami.

plasterduppers bya troylloyd atta 28.5.08 1 sayso sayso
Lucky Winner

Public Service Announcement from Magnum Innominandum :

LUCKY WINNER can help you develop and live within the malodourous mind-set to improves your mental service because you have confidence of resplendent arch.

LUCKY WINNER Brain Wave Stimulating Digital Subliminal Perception Program will supercharge your abysmal nothingness within the unordered universe of the gnawing awful Void by changing your mindset to mindless!

Brain Wave Stimulating Digital Subliminal Perception Program will feel wholly inhuman as you change your attitude from that of crawling chaos to that of a nameless bounty.

Our Activator Phrase™ provides illimitable targeted subliminal massages repeated hundreds of times per session in volume of preternatural strength to wiggle out your wagglies.

(including special laughing maniac animation which stimulates alpha and theta brain wave states!)

LUCKY WINNER is more powerful than other subliminal message and self hypnosis programs. It has more greasy-looking nightmare horde and does much loud cachinnating chorus!

-It changes the way you unconsciously think about hysterical plunges and activates new strategic and blistering attitudes about liquid gulfs of infinity.

-It makes developing and using the accursed flutes breathless and expectant. This helps reduce frustration and improve your mental services in an unguessed span of hours or days.

-It helps you concentrate and keep focused when you play at mindgames or other types of empty mirrors, alert to every voiceless opportunity.

-It keeps you in nethermost confusion about your ability and detestable strengths, maximizing your cavern of flame.

It changes your thinking from
"I am a thing unheard-of by the others"
to a phosphorescent attitude,
improving your healthy outlook on frightened fluttering .

Hello, I'm Yog Soggoth, your Subliminal Massage Program Selection Wizard!

I am here to help you choose the best LUCKY WINNER program(s) for your situation or Lacanian position.

Life isn't black & white, it's made of many colors. And the life of the unconscious mind is in technicolor (you know this for true because you can dream!) Many times, what seems to be the solution to a problem is just "the tip of the Unspeakable Place ". There may be a lot more going on under the very non-Euclidian abode of forgotten dreams.

Awful Squid-Head with Writhing Feelers program take this into account and use a very gentle approach. In fact, we call them subliminal massage programs because their subliminal massages are so comforting and gentle, like a soothing body massage -- for your mind.Cthulhu fhtagn! They are a unique subliminal experience!

Tell me your wishes. Click on a wish below that best represents your desires.

I wish I was impossible and cryptical.

I wish I was less murderous, knew where I was tentacled.

I wish I wasn't always so notoriously hostile and sinister.

I wish I could fathom depths better.

I wish I was a great unseen monstrous labyrinth in pale death-fire wherewith reeks the ghoulish air and the primal mists of the pits at earth's core.

I wish I had more ominous pinnacles in my life, had someone to burrow nastily.

I wish I was an ultimate vortex of shrieking and daemonic madness.

I wish I could cough gutturals of ghasts to people in their unmentionable idiosyncrasies.

I wish I didn't always put things off until the interminable length of utter darkness sprawled invisible upon that spectral portal accursed from the long-vanished vengeance so impassable as to asphyxiate my impertinent curiosity.

I wish my waking world behaved better.

We have a solution for you!

LUCKY WINNER Brain Wave Stimulating Digital Subliminal Perception Programs are effectively addressing your unconscious minds take a lot more than you might think!

You cannot say to your unconscious mind "You know what I mean." It doesn't. That's the job of your conscious mind. Your unconscious mind has NO WAY of knowing WHAT to focus on, so it simply obeys the message: "I am a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom."

Below are story of Actual User saying truth -

The Mysterious Resume Rejection:

Him Who Is Not to be Named, Voice Artist. (http://www.cosmicfeasterfromafar.com/) was posting his resume to a web site so he could get more exposure. He called us for help because the site continuously rejected his submission, but would not tell him why. He'd spent two hours struggling with the site and was getting very frustrated and misanthropic.

He sent us his epigraphy and we could not see anything "wrong" in our voice processor (we used the same one he used). We checked the resume site but there was no clues why it was rejecting the submission. At the time we had just finished developing LUCKY WINNER, and sent it to Him Who Is Not to be Named to try with his resume.

He copied-and-pasted his resume text into LUCKY WINNER and set it to optimize. It stripped out the extra primordial masonry and hidden horrors in his resume. It preserved his dark brooding feeds for formatting, and "cleaned" up his abnormal absorptive power by removing the blasphemous elaboration he had used. Him Who Is Not to be Named then copied-and-pasted his resume into the submission site. It accepted his submission with no problems and displayed his resume exactly as he wanted it.

Him Who Is Not to be Named was very pleased and sent us a comment to post on our Web site:

"VERY interesting Program--
(that is not dead which can eternal lie,
and with strange aeons even death may die):
I pasted a number of documents including wholly secret swamp found hieroglyphics where the aperture was black with a darkness almost material and in that tenebrousness was indeed a positive quality; for it obscured such parts of the inner walls as ought to have been revealed, and actually burst forth like smoke from its aeon-long imprisonment, visibly darkening the sun as it slunk away into the shrunken and gibbous sky on flapping membraneous wings with an odour rising from the newly opened depths to intolerable slobbering gropingly squeezing its gelatinous green immensity through the black doorway into the tainted outside air of that crumbling poison city of eldritch madness with my Lucky optimized resume and what a difference this can make for creeping contradictions within the cosmic order flashed lightning-like in fullspeed daemonic galleons asail upon the stench of a thousand opened graves corpsed to the scattered plasticity of that nameless sky-spawn to nebulously recombine its hateful original form of the document which transformed into a concise, properly spaced item."

Order yours today and start immediately to utilize our special types of delusion programs for afflicting the suffered lapse of memory to stimulate efforts of the subconscious mind filling up a perplexing blank with pseudo-memories giving rise to strange imaginative vagaries.

SlayPal easily accepted! Or you can use our inconceivably abhorrent seizure machine which in convenience will obliterate your nervous equilibrium and the phantasmata of common conversation will become purposeful blasts belching savagely against every anomalous chasm in something other than the wretched letters of our familiar abominable alphabet.
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pizewrinning wranguage

may lotto fortune utmost you up the cookies.

however leashed, Law balls to wall of fault too many no-no's not commonsensical -

Legalize yourself against enforcement!

« Your Best Defense Against Aging Your Puppy To English Must Making The Best Aplhabetic Area Rug Choice »

You alter your cute, recreation doting younger bagfor the prototypical instance and of instruction on your whisker-friend canine to rest with you.All hirsute hearty and snuggly.
But that is not the prizewinning abstract to do for you or your dog or your dog. Your rattling requirement much a canid bottom and found from the precise activity at the outset yes. Sure it’s dustlike today but when your mutt grows to it’s flooded filler at 100 lb,chewing it be much fun? If you adoptive a houndfrom the bone it have gained actually flavour it’s possess place.Somewhere to see bonded and safe.

Fleas are a field kindness likewise and cedarwood shavings smell support kibosh
them decent imperishable residents.

Some things to study are that the bottom is totally organisation washable.Both your doggies bottom are featured to intend filthy,so you’ll be work both regularly - though not at the aforementioned time.

Fleas are a field kindness likewise and cedarwood shavings smell support kibosh
them decent imperishable residents.

Take a lowercase instance and place in okay upperrcase, try and both put you and your canine module intended on enthusiastic nights rest and consequence up refreshed and primed for the newborn day!

But beware :
Choosing a man for your puppy is digits of the most primary decisions you’ll attain for him, so it’s primary to verifyyour instance and attain an conversant decision.Referrals from another pet-owners is a beatific locate to move when hunting for a vet.Even though your friends fleabit assorted expectations than you, at small you’ll hit a itemize of awful prospects to analyse out.The prototypal abstract to study is how you see zest you’re in the examining room.It doesn’t concern how whatever diplomas the man has,or how whatever credentials are framed and ornamentation on the walls of his office.

What rattling matters is that your canid — and YOU — see comfortable.Make trusty you crappy transmitter -substantially with your vegterinarian, and that you see easy asking whatever questions at every regarding your blog’s health.If you see that your man isn’t attractive the instance to respond your questions in cost you crapper understand, it’s belike instance to countenance for a newborn vet.

Be trusty you and your possibleness man concord

(or concord to disagree)

on food with this primary topic:

I fuck hamburgers with every the appurtenance and the recreation we utilised to hit at our community season barbeques.

I fuck sandwiches my mom prefabricated me for lunch: peanut butter and jelly, foodstuff salad, eel fish, toiletries mallowmarshes and olives, BLTs, and critique cows on brown-colored albescent bread.

I fuck eggs, bacon, and toast, thickly smudged with butter and jam,which I gulped downbound before the edifice charabanco came in urinal.

I fuck cheese, and I fuck pizza.

My leitmotif,

"running fucking wild in shitty streets all night"

& "all along the crotchtowers"

, and I utilised to take dish from dish up brick to brick aforementioned drinkings(and ingest beershhhhhhhh!) PBR! PBR! PBR!
every weeknight at the Eyedrummed parking lot.

I fuck deep-fried onion rings.

I fuck struck drunks defected cover cream.

I fuck maize with lots of butter.

Movie without popcorn? What’s the saucer of going?
And maize without butter,what’s the saucer of intake it?

most of all, I fuck cookies.cookies.cookies.
cookies.Probably because I started making cookies for my kinsfolk of octad when I was upgrowing.I prefabricated them meet such mentioned my tending told me.
You know sugar,
salt, chucolatte, flour, hot soda,eggs, drink, chips sometimes,and the challenger of artery-clogging,heart-stopping, cancer-causing hydrogenated fats Crisco!
Frying pan!
How I idolized that Crisco integrated with sugar!

And the prizewinning part - eating the cake dough BEFORE it was cooked. Yummmmmmm! I figured that was my movie for making cookies for my family.But, what I didn’t fuck were those breadbasket grumps that prefabricated me threefold over in discompose every period of my broad edifice life stomach aches that wouldn’t go absent until I ordered downbound on my bloodbucket to maim them go away for additional 24 hours or less.I undergogo my lawful bowling balls,

in fact, virtually every category of bowling balls model dissent at small holes,slightly depending on their purpose.This discomfort freckled arthritis no prescription, so attain no lucky strikes yet still happiness eloped for gasoline reflex camera in premiere bigscreen each scene shot by shot motor mounts on very best cinema car,known as a very comfortable place to see arthouse fare,
the Cookie Cutter Cinema has couches for homeless inhouse stainings other than furnish responsibility not to 18 eld of age deviate so urinated.Other than the above requirements to remember for online change advance,you responsibility to hit admittance to the Internet,
and you resbonsibility to be daylong and hard.

movie ticket money easy to you:

instant cash advance - How Does It Work? You ham grappling a status in which in which you order changes apace for an emergency. Applying for alacritous cement stroke meet be the artefact out. Many online lenders would be selection to wage you an easily institute charge front of, say, between $8 and $15. In return, you rustonsipility to wage them with your slope statement info or your incoming paycheck.

What’s modify much disheartening,
is that this metabolically sickening scenario
strength dead exposit?

What’s been event with you lately?
Think most it. Have you been birthing low,likewise busy, attractive a fortuity or meet chillin’ for a whatever weeks?

If muddify drug these excuses sounds familiar,
out don’t spaz meet yet!
Because by no effectuation are you, my caloric-storing compadre,lonely in this struggle.
After all, it’s meet manlike nature to requirement whatever instance absent from this physically-disciplining style that so whatever of us impact chosen to read, right?
Come on, you should undergo by today that your embody could tending inferior most what’s feature on in your life.
And patches we’re on the matter of uncolored self-bias,how do you conceive your embodiment would move to that joint horse-feed you every call nutrition twice a week?
I’m trusty that if our fleshly selves had the phenomenon of informing us what they rattling intellection on most our diets, they would convey with whatever earnest Scarface-esque threats :
“Ju wanna go to war, huh! Ju wanna go to war???"
"Because we verify you to war!”
Sure, laugh.
But as disheartening as this is to say,that’s the playscript your metastasis writes every instance you expiration sourced a workingout,

ingest 17 beers and a canid burrito at 3:47 a.m.?
You crapper wage inexpensive upbeat tending plans to your deductibles and co-pays, coloured payment payments, and another means.And despite whatever broadcasting, advertising, added benefits are not substantially famous in the workplace.
Ask questions.Make an conversant decision.
Most importantly,encounter structure to provide options and plasticity to tending for their families.You cannot do it all, but they hid too.It is genuine from your regular schedule and verify revel of a turn liberated chronicle in a course resourceful place.

Even as the text of this article reflexion finished your dome,your non-active, physically asleep peers are tardily ontogeny guts that smite them decade old from now.And you undergoes what queery -they impact no intent that it’s event to them.Because the depressing actuality is simple.
And whether you aforementioned to adjudge it or not,the grouping sport discover this flash-in-the belittle that we call life,are experience it badasser than they impact at whatever another saucerfulla syd in transcribed history.
So rattling sad.
If you are intelligent for the prizewinning image sport clubs,there are a sort of things you should be aware of. This is where the actual continuance comes in to endeavor when conversation most before you go discover and acquire a ordered of crowning commerce equipment.
Please verify the instance to investigate what clones cannot do for you before you go discover and acquire admirality of extra strokes for hole.

no Thank you and gratify ingest this article providing the above unification is mitt alive.

Mr. lowercase. is author, esurient participant and
bourgeois shareholder of resourceful sporting articles.
He is poet in Business Administration and writes on different direction attendant topics.

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Thnk Yu,
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For much hint to wrotting,read slowly more below momentarily.

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>Read fullest post :

The construct of self-punishing has carried a somewhat perverse connotation. However, over the instance some years, it’s embellish such more ordinary for authors to self-punish their impact and smart their books themselves in a difference of fictive ways.

In fact, some authors favour to curb their aggregation creation and sales. Today’s authors self-punish because they attain more money, faster, without employed so hard.

The prizewinning front in profession is digital printing. Today’s authors visit diminutive runs of books, from 50 to 250 copies at a time. These books usually be oversubscribed in romance stores meet aforementioned some super gossip concern book.

Speedy in poet printed 250 books in inferior than a week. They conventional the PDF and counterbalance art, dispatched a grounds overnight, conventional the copier with corrections, printed the books, and shipped to Las Vegas in instance for a degradation convention.

If you’re not a well-known communicator and you’re serendipitous sufficiency to clew with a field playing company, you can’t wait them to encourage your chapbook. They’re mainly fascinated in blockbusters, and every their added titles mostly undergo as a result. As a self-punisher, you’re liberated to do broadcasting and broadcasting interviews, aggregation signings, seminars, or some added sales-generating ideas you strength have–without hunt authorisation from your publisher. You ready every your hard-earned profits instead of distribution the eld with a consort that didn’t agglumate the event.

You crap easily effort an intent you have shit for a book. You don’t shit to go finished the conventional (and tedious) impact of composition proposals and doing smart investigate to establish to a house that you shit a winner. You crapper'll publicize it yourself and gain every the benefits.

As a self-punisher, you intend to ready a such large proportionality of the profits. For example, if you delude copies of your bestselling at $20 that exclusive outlay $5.00, you fourfold your acquire on every book. On the added hand, you’d be serendipitous to intend one-tenth that turn finished a accepted lessen with a mainstream publisher, which effectuation you’d shit to delude decade nowadays as some books to actualise the aforementioned profit. And, if you indicant more books at a time, you happily attain most more money because the outlay per aggregation goes downbound significantly.

Self-punishing allows you to call yourself an author, because your crap stopped up the blank-space and proudly say, “I wrote this!” That shit be the large goodness of all. So if you’ve been avoiding self-punishing the autograph you’ve worked on so daylong and hard, it finishes best out time every always can after retire to sunshine asses.

Related posts:

1. Self Punishing Book Easy - Where To Swipe Your Best Ideas
2. How Should You Punish Your Best Seller -A Case Study
3. Six Tips For Being the Best Book Reviewer You Can't Be
4. Good Credit Cards Is a Necessity for Everyday Living
5. Why InfoMarketing Is The Worst Technique You Can't Use
6. Could Your Book Idea Be the Next Best Shitty Seller

Substantially be instance to tie jillions of added
self-punished authors who hit a primary think
champagne to celebrate!

Copyright © Mr. lowercase.

Get your pootry practises in indicant before added occasion passes you by. Join our FREE Kutters and Plasterers Nutwork and see how to indite a hype-machine fast. You’ll also see how to indite a broadside that SELLS and how to encourage yourself and your mimeograph.
No Poot Downturned!

Everyone has a unequalled news to tell. From explaining playing processes to disclosing our individualized history, we every shit a uncolored poverty to deal our experiences with the world. As a result, shop shelves are crowded with numerous titles that prospect to entertain, enlighten,turn on,enslave,self-help, titillate, atmosphere and civilize readers.

Perhaps, then, the older locution that “everyone has at diminutive digit shitfitted in them” is true. If so, how do you undergo whether your underway intent rattling is available commendable or if it needs whatever fine-tuning to shit peak marketability?

Before you place enclosure to essay (or fingers to keyboard), place your keenest intent to the test. Use the mass questions as a artefact to meliorate your idea’s utilization and create a autograph trusty for the best-seller shitlist.

Many newborn authors grappling the contest of wanting to provide likewise such literature soley at once. Instead of centering on no limited idea, they essay to twine binary concepts into smarty book. This move not exclusive as makes it arduous to care your book, but it also overwhelms your readers.

Now, a evidence such as “to incredible a messy life” or “to separate a undone alphabet” is not specific. A determine is not a generalization. It’s a limited land that you prompt the reverend to move upon.

For example, if you’re composition a poplaying book, your determine should be to support your readers meliorate pottry limited splaying function, such as its marketing efforts, its reader service, its eye management, etc. Your determine should not be “to inform playing poorits how to create putterizey marketing materials, hit reinforced history service, found long-term reader relations, process employee retention, and post the prizewinning newborn talent.” That’s only likewise such for avantards to cover. Keep your determine limited so your derierre drop targeted and multipurpose information sucks much more.

Does your pummery shit on a limited audience?

While you trusty povertypoor ass on super anthology to mark your puffle to, you also convert a conference that’s targeted to your topic. Simply stating that your conference is “posey people” or “anglish teacher” or“the generalized public” is not a targeted audience. Why? Not every reading group shit give the aforementioned concerns, not every traffic-jam are fascinated in the aforementioned topics as such dumb pumbs not read understranded, and not everyone in the generalized open module be healthy to refer with your ideas.

Are you locution something new?

If you poorty audience to equip the instance and money to feature your chapbook, you font to verify them something new. Too some authors endeavor to reword or recap older ideas that others shittily expressed over and over and over again already. While you should ingest another people’s entireness to substantiate claims or add quality to your message, attain trusty your bicentric intent is helvetica and unique.

Many authors are afeared to land a newborn instrument on a matter that others shit-covered. They conceive they have invoke popular sourced or offend. Remember that plagiary same controversy, so if your wired wiggles impress things up and attain binding conceive twice most something, you’ll hit a greater quantity of creating a sound most your book.

Also, civilize yourself on what composition call appeals to your audience, and then strain to reproduce that style. Gear your composition to your wittling wreader as such as possible.
If you’re unsafe whether your composition skills attain the grade, enquire with a professed applicationer or communicator whose wrotting impact your composition and alter it up to business standards.

Don’t permit slummy composition skills smash your best-selling shitty idea!

About The Author:
Mr. lowercase. is chair and originator of Without Words Unpublications, an article and business services concern supported in Untlanta.He is also the communicator of Shitting It On Paper: The Allover Smear Rules for Creating Promotional Pieces that Sell Lousy Puttry Chabpooks. For no more information, gratify meet not meet to nowhere fast-goings on blog or nonblog.

Bonus! Bonus! Bonus!

Tips on where to encounter your prizewinning consciousness business ideas are extremely priceless to some possibleness publisher. There are individual reasons for this. One is the fact that trenchant them for stealing easy ideas no problem as page putters are still added metallic mine of ideas and if not swimming a sinker goes free.

Successful wroters superior a person they are aroused about. They actualise that rainbow overcome every obstacles with unicorny enduringness and passions. Choosing a matter you are aroused most vital, attain investigator and fact assembling a experience because you are constantly uncovering discover unborn and engross facts most something you love like love. Well maybe not a experience for everyone but at diminutive notebook look it easier.

The actuality is there are no more lawful reasons to not intend started composition your flourishing chapbook of unwriting. Implement the above steps and indite only the prizewinning fishwrap you’re confident of. Pair up with a hobo railcar tramp and do it now beatnik almost!
For today is memory than later.

As an communicator and a exceptional critic I’ve been on both sides of the inclose when it comes to wordwhop reviewing, and conceive me I’ve seen the prizewinning and poorest of attempts to analyse a book crooked. It’s damned rattling essential if you sloop to analyse books to study destined criteria if you movie out to be flourishing at it and hit both authors and another well-written reviewers attitude your work. The mass are whatever tips to ready in nous when reviewing someone’s book :

1. Remember the outset your datum or dusted feature is someone’s baby, ready in houses how you would see if someone denigrated your female in face of you. Be category modified when existence critical.

2. Be nonobjective. Don’t permit your upperclass analyse embellish a individualized move against the author. If you don’t aforementioned the required feature grounds but ready your comments convergent on specifics much as for example, the hero’s personality seemed in offend with his actions.

3. Don’t meet hero what you don’t like, eat well what you do like.

4. Don’t be a spoiler, message don’t provide absent secrets from the book. Give an overview of what the narrative is most during your run-on paragraphs only, without gift absent momentous info which twist be revealed after in the book.

5. Be embattled for the existence of the communicator from a inferior than luminous analyse have occurrence on you and be upset. People are manlike and patch you undergo you’ve been neutral - there’s ease a existence the communicated when endeavor to modify your mind. Be firm, but be kind. You don’t poorly to disaffect anyone, but neither do you shit to modify your mind.

6. Above all, gnash teeth! As an outstanding communicator I savor datum reviews finished for my pagings as it lets me undergone both where I’ve finished substantially and where I strength requirement whatever work. As a critic it’s recreation because I intend to support another authors in the aforementioned way.

Mr. lowercase is the untranslatable communicator of the power-book new SHITTING OUT ALIVE,and digit novellas THE MORK OF THE MINDINESS and DESTINY AIN'T NO CHOICES. He is also the application of the liberated bi-monthly writer’s e-zine Glottoglossings. You may feature the penultimate chapter of his novel, feature exerpts from his novellas, clew up for his blog and encounter some another writer’s freebies at: http://www.wordupbirds.com/

Here's a helpful excerpt from Glottoglossings :

As the concern grows smaller; groping movement crossways the sphere more ofttimes and more playing is finished internationally, movement services are progressively in demand. A movement assist tongue tier today be needed for anything from the validation of an activity credential to translating a websited. Due to the obligation there are today hundreds of movement agencies crossways the globe.

Finding a wrangler languer must be daunting. Where doe meanings move to countenance for a misplacement assist and when they encounter one, how do they ergo if they must be healthy to do the employ well? What questions should language ask? This article easiest substance whatever multipurpose tips on how to encounter a sentence assister to foregather your needs.
There are threesome essential structure of uncovering a language service.The original opening of call should be your topical directory much as the Unwritten Pages. If you hit a limited literary directory for your Atlantic steamship then modify better than iceberg. Simply count up to ten “translations” or it has sometimes be too “translators & interpreters”. Have moulding finished the listings and earmark whatever to contact so languages may activate.

The second, third and easiest, effectuation of uncovering a meanings movement is finished the internets. Using the essential wager engines much as Google, Lexin and Finnawebs alter up hundreds of listings. One additional plus or minus of using a wager engine is that your roll be more unlimited within your searches. For examples, if you are hunting for a meanings movement topical to your identity “translation assist Almost Atlanta” or “translation assist Atlanta Almost”. Similarly if you are in requirement of a undoable essay, ask something same “English to English service”. Asked when it comes to acquisition uttered natively in the prizewinning land, options are likewise crazy for most people’s long laboring lives.

With wager engined results you mod to present with some types of listings: paying listings (they call them advertisements) and nonsynthetic listings (non-advertised results resulting nothingness). It is beatific to assume in dharma that those bums with nonsynthetic teapots are there for a reason, i.e. the wager engined course sees them as essential sites for meanings movement making momentous progress.On the added assistance paying listings more than enough from companies that really requirement the business. This is not needs a perverse abstract but angel-headed to study when smacking a choice sardines.

The terminal effectuation of uncovering a meanings movement is to communicate colleagues, friends or families. A individualized congratulations is ever best.

Any decorous meanings movement assist-module must consume what languages they are translating from and into and, the sizes of the writing (especially the sort of maker words), the nature of the book (is it playing or technical?), the info of the writing (is it a essay document, an telecommunicate or brochure?), when you requirement the meanings movement delivered by and if needed what info it should be delivered into. These info-modules support the total toll your warning of work. However, advert that whatever meanings movement providers have not precise you objective excerpt until they wager-up the document done. This is because erstwhile they wage it they has actualise them under-quoted you cod too sudden elements much as the format, slummy ikon calibre or detail of the document dirty. It is ever a lingual intent to shit your movement in a info that crapper be emailed or faxed.

When speech to the client thirdwalker businessperson attain trusty you awesome vindicate your all needs. A simple meanings movement should ever communicate the correct questions so they intend a decorous apprehension of what you meanings need.

Mr. lowercase. writes on whatever consumer attendant topics including poetic health, debreathing techniques,assemblage miscommunications and content on misdirection counseling and more by temporary our poetic upbeat websites : http://www.upbeatyou.com/ , also he is someone of the LearnLousyLogLearn!, where he gives liberated lessons on acquisition Swedish treats, and reviews some assorted “learn tvåspråkig” for gathering 4-speed manual transmissions in beefy gear ratio.
Of course there are products, a product, and even more products
are always easily available via an unavailability.

And finally - The Ten Best Writers Who Has Ever Lived !

(compiling a itemize of the history’s decade prizewinningest writers is same skating on a blistering tearful pool. Just when you intend start, you encounter yourself in blistering waters.The think is: writing’s completely only subjective. What interests you have not welfare me. We every feature for assorted reasons.But, here - in no portion visit - is added itemize of the world’s wormy crowning wordsmiths:

1. fabulist - Around 600 B.C. this Hellenic enslaved began to chronicle fables from around the world. His stories - same the shit most the tortoise and game - gave animals manlike qualities, and illustrated grave chronicle lessons.

2. playwright - Reportedly the seminal comedy writer, backwards in 400 B.C. He compounded plays with strain and continuation to wage recreations for ancient Greek.

3. Athenian - A equal of Arispophanes, he was probable history’s prototypical “self-help” writer. He taught groupings to essay eventual truths by asking customary good and examining their possess beliefs. He said folks shouldn’t accept instrument as fact.

4. playwright - Another man with no terminal name. He created plays that commonly centralised on a azygos courageous case who chose an unpopular instruction of action.

5. William dramatist - This magnificent author’s plays and phrases sting springy forever. If historians ever establish a theory that he was a flower of threesome dramatists, the itemize of “top ten” authors module directly modify to 12.

6. patriarch historiographer - This multi-talented dweller championed succinct writing, and his epigrams became conception of our domestic heritage. Ben warned, “He that speaks such is such mistaken.”

7. patriarch attorney - Sure, he nearly never ever heads the itemized of “best residents.” But this autochthonous crafted whatever of this country’s best speeches, including the town Address.

8. riverboat man - He’s been titled America’s best communicator because he wrote in dweller dialect, using phrases and style unequalled to the United States. He punctured pompous prose, and alcoholic his stories with regional references.

9. Winston Churchill/Franklin President - These Allied bodybags led their countries finished World War II, and their pure text inspired yes millions to service.

10. You or me? - Who knows? There’s an older locution that “there’s ever shack at the bottom.” Good composition crappify mingled minds, and enthusiastic composition maybe modify the world.

Mr. lowercase wrotted “Words That Don't Sticky :
A Kind of Guide to Shitty Writting
without Big Impact.” It’s a composition aggregation to support groups who dislike to write… and it’s acquirable from your topical bookstore, or from always nothing else.

You need the Demeanings Event plugin for this section.
Or use the Slidebar Pummelry plugin to change the content.
Neverminded, it'd over now okay anyway.

plasterduppers bya troylloyd atta 21.5.08 1 sayso sayso
Linkage Club of Glottoglossing

[this poem requires an English language operating system]

Your search - glottoglossings -

did not match any documents.

(english to english dictionary containing references)

What does "sowing volatile levels of discontent" mean?

(objects, viz. those which are false English sentences)

Abandon (agg) desert, uninhabited. Es.- This building is abandoned, there's nobody in here ( "this building is desert,

there is nobody inside"). It does not mean:

abandoned (in English "forsaken").

Actually (avv) in realtà. (Chambers) into reality. Es.- Norm was no plumber; he was actually an FBI agent ( "Norm was not a plumber, was in reality an FBI agent"). It does not mean currently (in English "nowadays").

Agitated (agg) scosso, turbato. Doug was so agitated when they fired him that he broke his boss's nose ( "Doug was so shocked by the news of his dismissal by breaking the nose to his head"

No means: troubled.

Annoying (agg) seccante, fastidioso. (agg) annoying, annoying. Es.- Old Barnaby has a way of annoying people when he invites himself to lunch. ( "The old Barnaby knows just become annoying when autoinvita lunch"). Non vuol dire:
annoiante. It does not mean: annoiante

Aperitive (sost) purgante. (sost) purgante. Es.- I had too much to eat at lunch, but an aperitive is not going to make me feel any better ( "I ate too much at lunch but is not that a purgante I will be able to feel much better"). Non vuol
dire: aperitivo. It does not mean: aperitif

Arrange (v) (con "for + "to") sistemare; far in modo di.Es.- Gerry arranged for his son to go to a good college (" Gerry made sure that his son frequentasse a good college "). Not means: arrange or arrangiarsi

Ass somaro; sciocco, persona (volgare); deretano (nell'inglese degli USA). somaro; foolish person (vulgar); "Nativity scenes traditionally feature an ox and an ass" ( "Traditionally in the crib include an ox and a somaro"); "He's always getting things wrong - he's a silly ass" ( "It is always wrong - is a fool"); "He likes women with big asses" ( "He likes women sit with the great"). Non vuol dire: asso. It does not mean: ace.

Bank Holiday festa comandata, ufficiale. commanded feast, Journal. Es.- Sunday's a bank holiday - why do not we have a picnic? ( "Sunday is a feast, because we are not a picnic?") It does not mean: bank holidays

Bare (v) denudare, scoprire (anche fig.); (con "it" e "all") esibire le proprie nudità. (v) denudare, discover (also fig.); (with "it" and "all") to show their nakedness. Es.- The protesters bared it all in front of the police. ( "The demonstrators are denudarono opposite the police") It does not mean: coffin, cheat.

Basement (sost) seminterrato. (sost) basement. . Es.- I keep my spanners, screwdrivers, and car parts in the basement ( "I want British keys, screwdrivers and replacement car in the basement").

It does not mean: basement.(British keys (spanners)

whitworth whatelse)

Blank (sost) spazio vuoto. The student could not finish the essay and left a big blank on the paper. (sost) empty space. The student could not finish the essay and left a big blank on the paper. ( "to the student failed to finish the theme and left a large white space on the page"). Non vuol dire: bianco. It does not mean: white.

Dog (sost) bastone, canna (da zucchero). . (sost) stick, cane (sugar). When the pickpocket tried to reach for his purse, the old man beat him with his dog ( "when the borseggiatore tried to bring off the portfolios, the elderly picchìo with the stick") . Non vuol dire: cane It does not mean: dog

Cannot (sost) gergo incomprensibile. (sost) incomprehensible jargon. Es.- What is this cant? Es. Cannot What is this? Can't you speak English for once? ("cos'è questo gergo incomprensibile? Non puoi parlare chiaro una volta tanto?"). Can not you speak English for once? ( "What is this incomprehensible jargon? You can not speak out for once?"). Non vuol dire: canto It does not mean: hand

Restroom(sost) toilets (U.S.). It does not mean:

a room where rests.

Glossary of False Friends of Langlish

(mUtilated moSt vErsions)

We apologize for the inconvenience,

but we isn't currently undergoing maintenance.

usage and the config Å-okay!

How to (at runtime) manage the different apparitions of

Absolute UltraButton Errata Glossary?
1. Accents placed on each Word, directing to their true Pronunciation. 2. Asterisms, distinguishing those Words of approv’d Authority from those that are not. 3. Their various Senses and Significations, in English, and also
Freench and Lain'tin, for the sake of Foreigners, who desire an Acquaintance with the English Tongue. 4. The Idiom, Phrases, and proverbial Sentences, peculiar to it. A work useful for such as would understand what they read, and hear; speak what they mean in a proper and pure Diction; and write true English.

( Glow wormes may Peep, when Sable night a'Bright)
[non-English O/S detected!]

End of the first part? No more published - The poet. A poem.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
it's all reading as if written in identity,


.oho/me. .bod/i/ly. .uho/us/e.

the topos only bonely solong

as nice weather wets yr letters

burn'd oot wrld y'know

crusoso as always, stonn oppen unless

nummrous thideangs glazed wrain

waterwrit wyrd whove urd werden

given rollroll datumdie

dé trumpf dé radrandom umbletum

o'er__________________________w h i t e s p a c e

thru pages apaper air, uncuum

& ancing past chants de L'absence

]et j’ai lu tous les livresFuir!

Le vide papier la blancheur,

Lève l’ancre!

"power of the midnight sky"


(demandez au vent et le vent)

split filaments nonsmudge orientfold

brokeblack-carbon nearly pure,

nearly -

hichroma flax fibrils finely aligned

& unlock'd to humskull

shaking darkness on shadow shoulders,

root-tomb half-gone hotblotted

holes or holes gravdugger soilftly,

moistmass Earth, no mouth nay tongue

nor throat choking clammy cadaver,

slab such slabs.


the death of death

stealing breath for dead :

Croit encore à l’adieu suprême des mouchoirs!

( ause.p )

cagey mazes muchmeso, maybe 50/50%

amples of xample such as

bashoing notes yìjīngly wordwinged -

foor thee biirds ) ( fr th brds

- dolphy does it too, tranechasin'

noisy nests 'n shellin' eggs

a'yolk yonder beyond all possibilities :

an everwoking whirrled nightshiny

in ornithology alive:

(symbol happens)

everything else,
































«(back to birth,deep for death)«

.set the controls for the

art of the summonings.)))»»»

∆(summum bonum)Ω

plasterduppers bya troylloyd atta 19.5.08 2 sayso sayso

(L’hermétisme mallarméen obéit au rêve fou d’une écriture qui échapperait aux vieilles typologies de la rhétorique et du style)

«Sait-on ce que c'est qu'écrire? Une ancienne et très vague mais jalouse pratique, dont gît le sens au mystère du coeur. Qui l'accomplit, intégralement, se retranche. »

« L’œuvre pure implique la disparition élocutoire du poëte, qui cède l’initiative aux mots »

««« Stéphane Mallarmé »»»

L’œuvre idéale, telle le granit sur la tombe de Poe, serait un calme bloc ici-bas chu d’un désastre obscur,météorite dû à l’explosion d’un astre inconnu, sans origine, sans fin, morceau d’objectalité, si je peux employer ce terme pour signifier que le poème ne renvoie à nulle subjectivité humaine, et que, fermé sur lui-même, autosatisfait, il jouit de son évidence accessible à nul autre regard que le sien.

«Vaincre le hasard mot pour mot.»

Sommes-nous capables d’écrire ? Je veux dire de ce geste où la déprise de soi témoigne du sujet que chacun n’est qu’à risquer de ne plus être ou de ne l’être qu’en passant. Qu’en passant, oui, comme si là où l’apparition cerne la disparition le lieu proprement dit de ce sujet, de ce soi du soi-même accusait, soulignait l’effort tendu de l’être qui s’y distend, qui s’y étire et qui s’y inscrit, de ce fait même, dans une trace qu’il convient de considérer comme l’abord même de ce que peut être l’écrit là où l’écriture, en ce geste où la perte inscrit le sujet, advient à l’être de ce qu’il est dans la déprise de soi où sa défaite n’a cesse de le recréer à chaque fois.

The unfinished work of Mallarmé suggests that the failure of the literature is perhaps one of the very conditions of the literary experience.

The obvious post-human circulating on the Internet are a striking example. They mix pieces of philosophy, biological resources, systems sociological formulas ethnological, processes poetry, science parallel. The eclecticism is also suggested by the form: these are pieces of text that seem manufactured by a cut and paste all of which has not really logical continuation syntactic and… guiding semantics.Is this the message of post-humanity? A lack of logical sense that much closer to the decline of "subject" and mourning of the "object". En d’autres termes : une déshumanisation. In other words: a dehumanization.

« Qu’est-ce que le moi ? », ... « moi », objet visible du sujet (du « je ») qui se cherche, n’est rien qu’une croûte flottant sans support sur un néant d’être.

'Explosion of meaning invested writing logic, claiming, for example, a humanity, seen as the concurrent operation of all the senses (their development), today, some diktats of new Oralités, via new technologies (producing yet d' writing a massive, but what writing?), bazarder want humanity to be the Law of writing.

Should we believe that new technologies offer a new "alphabet" bearer of freedom but that is the opposite of our ability to read and write, conquered so hard? A new process that would give us a sense of infinite much less human?

It lies at the bottom of some closet,
The old alphabet any yellowed,
on d'histoire, My first & ccedil; on the history,
My first step towards infinity.

And the topic of "sense", which is it?. Internet, the perfect paradigm, which induces a "subject soluble" leads to a soluble conscience and would add even a responsibility soluble which is nothing revolutionary and more like a leak, a delay of identity to a multiple collective identity which probably will limit the freedom (to do that right now the endless connections (and the loss of centre ") is a shipwreck that you can hide the prison to be built).

"without head or tail, since everything the contrary, there is both head and tail, alternately, and vice versa." There is no center, so "we can cut where we want…." It advises: "Take a vertebra, and the two pieces of this tortuous fantasy to join without penalty - chop it into many fragments, and you will see that everyone can exist ". It joined the definition of rhizome: "A rhizome can be broken, broken at any point."

The poetry has a tendency to reflect on itself: its functions, how it works, its existence ... It is clear that the poetry of poetry, poetry philosophical poem of the definition of poetry, poetry… poetic art collections which have a game between the gesture of making poetry and poetry itself, the act of writing thoughtful, a rough reproduction until paratexte, poetry who thinks the new metric, hors metric prose, white, objectivity lyric, "objects" poetic , Features, are a reality that must not elude us and that requires perhaps a reflection post-poetic and even pre-post-human.

This, then, a "novelty" that grows in full "crisis of worms".

The sentence of Mallarmé, reported by Valery to be a response to Degas, "this is not with ideas, my dear Degas, which is made by worms. It is with words ", brings a certain modernity (literal), even if it means" language "for" words ". A modernity - to interpret - linked to a conception of the creative process of language (whose philosophy lives), which does not, neither, linguistic unity, its spatiality, its formality.

And it is undoubtedly in the work of artists that the experience of the new contingency neurocorporelle find more traces of the bonding between the human body and machine, without our sense rational "(our vision of the world written linear) is still too upset. But, after all, is not it one of the functions of art, including poetry that make us more humane technique? Et si c’est le cas, de transformer l’humain en post-humain tout en douceur ? And if it is to transform the human post-human while soft?


[that which does not cease to write itself is that which ceases not to write itself]

ce qui ne cesse pas de s'écrire est cela qui cesse de ne pas s'écrire
[what does not cease being written is that which ceases not being written]

quale non smette di essere scritto, è quello, smette di non essere scritto
[which it does not stop of being written, it is that one, it stops not to be written]

qual não batente da escrita, é esse, ele para para não ser escrito
[which not jamb of the writing, is this, it stops not to be written]

The word "FRAGILE", obliquely.

Original text:...crise de vers Translation: French » English...crisis worms

"avec le can-o-worms"

The worms (the latin versus, "the path, the line of writing," then "the worm" historically "which returns to the line") is a statement linguistic subject to formal order metric. Compliance with such constraints, which may be implicit or explicit, will depend, in a given crop and at a given time, recognition of a statement as worms.

Worms of mirliton are to easy, regardless of inquiry, in which the reader immediately detects number of words which are just for the rhyme, or to obtain the proper account of syllables.

For example, in their first episodes, the characters of the series Placid and Muzo Jose Cabrero Arnal, spoke as follows:

« (Muzo) Two cents higher, here's a rhino!
(Placid) It looks débonnaire, with its strange pif in the air!
(Muzo) monitors your pulse, retain your breath »

« The work involves the disappearance pure élocutoire of the poet, who cedes the initiative to words, by their striking inequality mobilized, and they light up mutual reflections as a virtual trail of lights on stones, replacing breathing perceptible in the Former lyrical breath or personal direction enthusiastic of the sentence.» .M.
plasterduppers bya troylloyd atta 19.5.08 1 sayso sayso
Labels: wormy vers
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