an honour, hummingly.

i dunna don'yt know iffin thissa reg'lar thaing orrnotta, but ww/ow is pleased to announce the parasite mirror wbsite sumwhat maybe doing hut whit done commonality?



* 1968? 1955. 39;ve again alechinsky align always another are:. atlanta awaits binding birth bleeding bloodstuff cannell chaplet chirot. cobra collaborative commment commments complete. conceptual concrete confessed confessed crisis.conti couple cramps crusoe crisis. currently david-baptiste details dieter do.over dream earthy editor eller endlessly. energy epic energy. essential everything excerpts explanation facts fattar factmatter final finish firstperson found fresh glassd goodstuff group hammarberg hard-to-find homage ideaistic ideation. ight: (impenetrable included) uncluded infinite inget ishing interaction itself italy karri language lewitt lighght likes local longer lucky madinkbeard. mean? menar? miltonmineral missing moment never note: nothing occurence off-registered order ordval outta paris-new partner photo pierre please pierre poetics poetry poets polypoet possibly pressed publication reading reaedding reading reaeading . record records recto released repeat reprint repro repugno required resolved responds sanaruno. secondperson. sentence sentences shadow short simple something spaken spaltung speaking sprung spines stoop store straight stuff style svenska swedish teyepwreyeter thanx these things think those titled totally translation transposition ultraclear understand until verso victoria vinyl which while without working writaway write which while written. yearbook years. Безумно глупей ещё жить мечтой одной

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wordwithinword (2008-7-02)

The wordwithinword Online Information Center
The Web's leading wordwithinword experts have assembled all of Today's wordwithinword Info Right Here...In one place - Review it Now with Bleeding Eyeballs and Puking Earholes : on up & up on ndou upon.

This proof is now part of the paper: ``Constraint Sensitive Catalan Path Statistics having the Narayana Distribution Within Words w/o Words'' We would appreciate any comments or suggestions concerning this preprint.

4 Usurio(s) Online:

Atlanta, Georgia arrived from google.com on "Notbok | Rede Busca"

For words, without. Words less or no words.


Las convergencias se analizan acerca de conceptos como conducta simbólica, función psicológica, comunidad verbal, convención social, entre otros.

delilah contrapunctal.... yes, that's how I intended to spell it.........
(h'mmm....both.....applicable....yes....ongoingly...... / san diego, california)

Jumpy Fun Moonwalk Rentals:
Delivering Moonwalks and Slides Serving Mishearings and Misreadings Counties or Provinces.

! ! green fur gambit! ! w/o word that was responsible for entire poem being inanely deleted.. so this is a 'repost'.

Palabras clave: Significado, conducta simbólica, función psicológica, significado práctico, comunidad verbal.

there be'd a sloth
a thirst
slurp the windfall,

friendly leeches,
'if you were
fruits to pluck,

bring 'em here...
I'd give you s**k ' (rhymes with, uh, cluck)
then and there....
a bargain struck

'tween thems...quite treed...
...willing to bleed....

an itching need
sup and feed...it was agreed....
a symbiotic
time of luck.

(Award for Innovative Poetry)
wrote this using several pens.....is that OK? ? ?

Comments about this poem (! ! green fur gambit! ! w/o word that was responsible for entire poem being inanely deleted.. so this is a 'repost'. by delilah contrapunctal.... yes, that's how I intended to spell it.........)

En la filosofía del lenguaje se encuentran numerosas teorías del significado, las cuales, consisten en buscar lo que hace que ciertas notaciones se vuelvan significativas y hay diversas clasificaciones de esas teorías, no obstante, por razones de espacio y del objetivo del escrito, en este artículo no se presentará la revisión de esa literatura filosófica.

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Click here to write your comments about this poem (! ! green fur gambit! ! w/o word that was responsible for entire poem being inanely deleted.. so this is a 'repost'. by delilah contrapunctal.... yes, that's how I intended to spell it.........)

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(c) Poems are the property of their respective owners. All information has been reproduced here for educational and informational purposes to benefit site visitors, and is provided at no charge..

7/2/2008 2:43:03 AM. You Are Here: ! ! green fur gambit! ! w/o word that was responsible for entire poem being inanely deleted.. so this is a 'repost'. by delilah contrapunctal.... yes, that's how I intended to spell it.........

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birds, knowledge, nowhere, there was an innate hesitant all around

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Original Post: Nov 09 '06, 5:26 am Reply
Reviews written: 1639
Member since: Feb 23 '00

Post: 86446
666 word w/o

Hey guys - Let's get this category on troy's sleeepeer54's word w/o page. It's impossible for me to write a review on a piece of poetic equipment in 666 words but there are other things - Yoga poemats, etc. But in googpoom gear you have typewriters, Elmer's Glue and tapedeck stuff :)

Press the Arrange Four Copies button to begin the "proof without words." More buttons will appear to lead you through the proof.

"checked" = 'checked' (like the Bold button in word processors, I have an object which has it's own id) New Century peer player's plats on damage & New ...
wordswithoutwords.blogspot.com/ - 88k

The Dream Pun: What Is a Play on Words without Words?

A parallelogram polyomino is an array of unit squares bounded by two lattice paths that intersect only initially and terminally. (Paths have positively directed vertical and horizontal steps.) A row of a polyomino is wide when it contains more than one square.

Word of Mouth
June 12th at 7pm
@ Bluestockings Radical Books
172 Allen St.

(It was all just unspoken. The words were never used.)

When listeners heard a ''ma mama'' nonsense phrase that mimicked an actual English adjective–noun sequence such as ''new result,'' they correctly parsed (divided) the phrase into the words ''ma'' and ''mama'' corresponding to ''new'' and ''result.'' Listeners must have used prosodic features to parse the phrases because the speech had the stress pattern, rhythm, and pitch prosody of normal speech, but had none of the usual meaning and sound cues for words.
I like language manipulation and how it affects the reader on a conscious and unconscious level. I don’t like how a lot of Language poets are ideologically driven, or at least I don’t like the ideologies that drive them to manipulate language. The stress pattern was a prosodic cue for word perception because the phrases were easy or hard to parse depending on their stress pattern. And rhythm was also a prosodic cue for word perception because the parsing of a phrase was changed when its rhythm was changed via synthetic speech. But the pitch and amplitude contours were not prosodic cues for word perception because the parsing of a phrase remained unchanged when its pitch and amplitude contours were changed via synthetic speech. The results suggest that, in the rule synthesis of speech, the rules for stress and rhythm must be carefully formulated because they affect not only the naturalness of the speech, but also the ease with which it can be understood.

These results were motivated by a recent one of Emeric Deutsch that the number of Catalan paths (Dyck words) of length 2n with k high peaks (i.e., peaks which exceed the constraint by more than one step) equals the number of Catalan paths of length 2n with k+1 peaks. It is well known that the latter is counted by the Narayana nonword, ''ma mama''

Claudia Rankine's , The

End of the Alphabet.

(without any formal rules, just playing with language)

Helix: Can you explain how you write your Google poems?

JN: My ideas of Internet search engine poems, first published in 2002, are based on grammatical forms of the Finnish language. In the Finnish language there are no prepositions. Everything is included in the word itself.

Let’s take the most simple example. We could use the concept of allomorph, which is a linguistics term for a variant form of a morpheme. For example, the word ”istui”, (he/she sat down), is a combination of two allomorphs, which are represented in string of allophones ”istu” and in allophone ”i”. ”Istu” is a body of a verb, which indicates the ’vertical-horizontal position’, and ”i” is a sign of a preterit form, which in the grammatical tense expresses actions which took place in the past. There is actually an invisible allomorph in the word, a so-called zero morph. This expresses that the subject of the process (he/she) is a third part, not a part of the actual communication. In the Finnish language, one could produce dozens of long strings of allophones based on the body of one verb. Just by modifying the body of the word one can produce an large number of contextual viewpoints where one can use a particular verb. The body of the word itself strongly limits the way you can use it.

On the contrary, working from a database (for me the Internet is just one kind of database) by using certain forms of verbs you can discover specific contextual aspects. Therefore it can be predicted that these contents will be strongly related, because the same form of the verb has used. My first search engine-based experiments were based on this observation. So at the beginning, my aim was not directly related to FLARF; it has more in common with L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E school of poetry.

All of my search engine-based texts contain a basic idea. It is an idealistic form of art. The idea could be some type of observation, hidden statement or hypothesis, which the text tries to prove. The hypothesis could be related to language itself (“I believe this works this way”) or it could be more akin to a sociological root (“A number of people say this, and at same time they say this; I believe there is some kind of hidden contradiction in their mindset or philosophy.”) Or it could be just a flow of inspiration, a type of free association improvisation or automatic writing, which leads to some satisfying results.

One property of collage-based writing, based on the Internet, is that it clearly expresses some kind of sociological or political nature. Mikhail Bakhtin was a Russian philosopher, literary critic, semiotician and scholar who wrote influential works of literary and rhetorical theory and criticism. He wanted to construct a ”objective psychology” which could effectively and clearly show contradictions of motives in an individual’s mind, or in pair of two individuals, or in Society as a whole. For Bakhtin, verbal discourse was a product of the communion between the speaker and the social situation. Freud talked about denying the unconscious mind as a mechanism, but Bakhtin asked: Could any “mechanism” make such refined logical, ethical, and aesthetic decisions? This kind of “mechanism” should be something else, something which is not included in a world of physical nature, but in a world of ideologies. The concept of the unconscious mind is not for Bakhtin a objective scientific phenomena, but a proof of the mind’s hidden chain of ideology.

Therefore, the Internet has not only broadened public speech discourses which are intended to be literal, it has widened all types of communication with all possible intentions. And this is the real key of the ”objective psychology”. Some can argue: “Why should we make this zero-research? We already know the answer: banality!” This is what I say: There are many things we know we don’t know, or we even don’t know we don’t know. Let’s leave the poetry to the big questions, which automatically avoid the trap of banality.

For the first time we can, by using Internet search-methods, discover what different ages, nationalities, and social classes really think, not only what statistics show or how they answer to polls. We are searching the unconscious mind, not the conscious one. It is more question of how things are repeated, not how they actually are.

Lehto has been the active innovator of Googlisms. After our first discussion of the topic in 2002, he launched his popular Google-poem machine. This web page contains his international anthology of Google poetry, poems which are more or less based on his philosophy and created by his tools . From this anthology you can find poems from authors such as K. Silem Mohammad, Brian Kim Stefans, Sheila E. Murphy, and many Finnish authors interested in the possibilities of ”objective psychology”.

In the Finnish language Web search engine -based poetry has a small canon of published books:

Tytti Heikkinen: Täytetyn eläimen lämpö, poEsia 2008.

Teemu Manninen: Lohikäärmeen poika, Tammi 2007.

Rita Dahl: Aforismien aika, poEsia 2007

Janne Nummela: Lyhyellä matkalla ohuesti jäätyneen meren yli, poEsia 2006.


6 commenti:

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Lyhyellä matkalla ohuesti jäätyneen meren yli
(thin ice)

Hearing ''words'' without words:
Prosodic cues for word perception

Translation Tips:

Tips 1: Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation for the highest quality translations.
Tips 2: After you've translated some text, click the button marked "Search the web with this text" in order to launch a search using the translation results as your query.
Tips 3: Compare a translated web page with the original by clicking "View page in its original language."

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Acoustical Society of America
Jan 1, 1978
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Song details
Title You've Got A Way Without Words
Check out a new poem;
(Complimentary "You've Got A Way Without Words" Ringtone!)

Please note: To play your song "Without Words" from Phil Lewis you need Napster music software on your PC!

It's nothing that you say
But It's okay I know,
Yes I know

What you mean and when
I love you isn't spoken
Isn't spoken

Your heart is shouting out
A promise never made
It never left your lips
But I hear it any way

You've got a way without words,
what you do it tells me more
You've got a way of being heard
sometimes your kiss can say,
all the things that you feel,
speaking doesn't make it real
You've got a way without words

There is something about the way
how we communicate, with another
You always get it straight
O there's no need to wonder
To wonder

Cause I can hear your voice
Without any waiting
I feel around the noise
So you don't have to say it

You've got a way without words,
what you do it tells me more
You've got a way of being heard
sometimes your kiss can say,
all the things that you feel,
speaking doesn't make it real
You've got a way without words

There is no need to talk
I'm always listening
But giving the choise
I will change nothing
Cause I like you best
When you are speachless

Oh you've got a way
Sometimes your kiss can say
All the things that you feel
Soeaking doesn't make it real
You've got a way without words

Without words

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© 1947 Oxford University Press.

Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words Without Words in three-part song form, with solo-song texture, and sequences in the middle part, though at times the ...

Saturday, May 31, 2008
for words, without

i like these conversation pieces.

when did rich's book come out & on what press? if it's rather recent it be nice if we could get a review copy to demning so one of the coldfront crew (that's not you or me) could do a review of it, ya know?

2:27 PM

if men would but think what a wordy thing it is merely to be able to speak in words, to think in words, to write in words ! Without words we should know no
nothing near abstraction such absolute.

It's like words without words. ... 'What is the meaning of the phrase, "It is words without words, a creeper held up by a tree" ?

While the critical importance of phonological awareness (segmental phonology) to reading ability is well established, the potential role of prosody (suprasegmental phonology) in reading development has only recently been explored. This study examined the relationship between children’s prosodic skills and reading ability. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses examined the unique contribution of word-level and phrase-level prosodic skills to
the prediction of three concurrent measures of reading ability in 81 fourth-grade children (mean age 9;3 years). After controlling for phonological awareness and general rhythmic sensitivity, children’s prosodic skills predicted unique variation in word-reading accuracy and in reading comprehension. Phrase-level prosodic skills, assessed by means of an reiterative speech task, predicted unique variance in reading comprehension, after controlling for word reading accuracy, phonological awareness, and general rhythmic sensitivity. These
results add to the growing body of evidence of the importance of prosodic skills in reading development.

“The limits of my language,”
“are the limits of my mind”.


Dearest creature in creation
Studying English pronunciation,
I will teach you in my verse
Sounds like corpse, corps, horse and worse.

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El concepto de significado desde el análisis del comportamiento y otras perspectivas

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Keywords: Meaning, symbolic behaviour, psychological function, practical significance, verbal community.

troylloyd ha detto...

18:17 29-30 39;a:ger] abonner andrei april. asemic asemiotician before benet blogs. bottom: brain carson center circle collage collects coming comment-poem commments:. conference distributes eighty english enjoy entering entry examples filthy finish gains gnaga gnaga. gnagde gnager gnagt guide hunden hundred immediate indlæg indlægget info. issue januar jukka-pekka kervinen knapra kommentar kommentarer lanny latest leaps looking loses lucre magazine mentioned molotiu month morgan music nibble. nonobjective numberless nyere online open. pages painting penny performs plenary practice prefixes press problems quarles quiz. rabbit-hole reading recent recently registration returned root. sagde sculpture shapes sides skills skrapa social space. speaker startside. straight struck studies study subjugated summonup suprematism swedish taubert theme tomorrow translation translation: troylloyd typos typotype tänderna unrivalled vassilakis verbal vision wandering webbly wednesday while within word: words wordwise workbook world writing. €�word –�–� –�–�. «ошибка» «простым» Ældre Понятие Страница Это была взУлядов всеУда зависящим или которой метаязыковым обратились относится оценивающеУо перемещена. понятие рассмотрением речь. своей связано существует теоретических тесно фактам человека чужой

troylloyd ha detto...

09:22 10:00 10:20 10:26 10:43 15:29 24-25 39;ve abonner actor agon: april artsparker attention being biblical birdword brutwerk. cartoon chapbook cloud commments: conference cover death deliberately dict: diggit doc.write doctrine dreamdeeply eees. examples farewell figure. first flesh gather great gustave himself indlæg indlægget kleine kommentar kommentarer lect: magn: makes marts michael micro-imprint micro-imprint. miss: monotippo morin mort: moz_center nelson order patpac phag: phreneticus poesis poetry. postcard posted proto: runner sagde sarco: series small specific splendor startside. stephen studies super: testament thing titled trapp trickster tripp troylloyd typewriter typos uncommon union university vale: warnell.com/db11x85/patpac.htm werkstätte. while. within word: wordwithinword.blogspot.com worth wrd.wthiin.woord xhtml xie7. Ældre

troylloyd ha detto...

---sewing---memory--- 09:22 10:20 10:26 10:43 13.4.09 15:03 24-25 88arc88 a.naked.lawn abonner above: abstract admire advant afsnit afterlights agora alcoholic already april artsparker attention autho available being biblical birdword broad brutwerk brutwerk. chapbook closed. closure? codepo commments: conference differing diggit dreamdeeply eees. eigner findings first from. gustave himself indlæg indlægget international kommentar kommentarer larry leave makes mannerist mayhem michael micro-imprint. monotippo morin needed nubby: nyere operates paper pictured poetics poetry poetry. postcard poster posterd press procedures; range review ribbonless right sagde scotch scrapless series small sorts specific startside. studies takes. terror testament titled trait trapp trash. trees troylloyd typewriter uncommon union university unknowd unopening. visual warnell while. within word: worth write writer wrong. Ældre

yumyumyuck dumdumzeen ha detto...

00:27 23:44 24-25 39;ve abonner addressee: admire after always amusing anniversary anyone. anything april asleep. attention audio available banal being biblical birdword blank brainard break breakout broad brutwerk carson center comic. coming commments: conceptual conference differing disport doing driver dynamite eidos either ending esophagus expired final finishes flipside going great gustave himself hinterland homages homework hosted human indlæg indlægget karri klang kommentar kommentarer lapsed license loved makes mannerist morin naked names naming nancy narrator newgarden noeme nomen nothingness novel nyere operates other planning plenary poetic poetry. posted posting prior procedures; pseudo-abstract quits range repping sagde savage scene school. semester series sessions sizzling small specific stare startside startside. strip studies temporal testament thanx there these thing things those three titled totally trait trapp troylloyd tungtrying typewriter understood union university university. victim victory weekend weeks weird while. wise. within word: worth years: Ældre

troylloyd ha detto...

39;dup 39;ll 39;puzzle 39;ve anotherplace asunder audio available biblical bigblank boffo bother breakout bummer burntlips carson center chasing cheap cocaine commments: conference confud confusing conjunction cough coughgh couough crack craft denshizunou different. display document doublecross doumitemo drive drive. enables ennou eventually every exhibit falling financially fingers finished finland first flashcard. gadgets gendai gengonizessuru ghost gonna headlong heavy hellfire helsinki hop-head hosted hosting hungry ikashouryaku imagine inkish itouch itself itsubun kakikaeru karri kikai-honyaku kokko kokugo-mondai langolungs letters library lighters mail. meikyuu melting memos moment naibu network otherplace painless pieces? plasmputt plastic plenary poetry posted probably punchout putplace quick quiz. quizzery renketsu sagde saving sessions shippitsu shudan-ishiki skullshine smoked socko somewhere start stoked studies stuff technology these those three timeclock tiptop tricktongue triplescore typotraps union university. versus vispoems? visual within words workshop would yohaku-no-bi youki ��fill